Monday, March 29, 2021

Microsoft Excel

Limitation of Excel:

  1. Maximum number of Row: 65,536(office 2003) and 1048576(office 2007)
  2. Maximum number of column: 256 (office 2003) and 16384(office 2007)
  3. Maximum column width: 0 to 255 Characters
  4. Maximum Row height 0 to 409 points
  5. Maximum length of cell contents (text): 32,000 characters
  6. Maximum length of formula contents: 1024 characters
  7. Maximum number of sheets in book: Default 3 and up to 255 sheets while creating new book.
  8. Maximum number of iteration: 32767
  9. Maximum size of worksheet arrays: 6553 elements
  10. Maximum number of scenarios: Up to 251 scenarios
  11. Maximum number of changing cells in a scenario: 32
  12. Maximum number of named views in a workbook: up to 256 views
  13. Maximum number of adjustable cells in solver: 200
  14. Number precision: 15 digits
  15. Large allowed positive numbers: 9.99E307
  16. Smallest allowed negative number: -9.99E307
  17. Smallest allowed positive number: 1E-307
  18. Largest allowed negative number: -1E-307
  19. Maximum number of Iterations: 32,767
  20. Maximum number of colors in a work book: 56
  21. Maximum number of cell style in a work book: 4000
  22. Maximum number of selected range: 2048
  23. Maximum number of argument in a function: 30
  24. Maximum number of nested level of function: 7
  25.  Number of available work sheet function: 329
  26. Maximum number of panes in a window: 4
  27. Zoom range: 10% to 400%
  28. Maximum number of undo levels: 16 (Defaults)
  29. Maximum number of fields in a data form: 32
  30. Earliest date allowed for calculation: January 1, 1900
  31. Latest date allowed for calculation: December 31, 9999
  32. Maximum number of page fields in a Pivot table: 256
  33. Maximum number of worksheets referred to by a chart: 256
  34. Maximum number data series in one chart: 255
  35. Maximum number of line weights: 4
  36. Maximum number of area patterns: 18
  37. Total area pattern and color combinations (color display: 56448
  38. Maximum number of pattern and color combinations (color printer): 56,448
  39. Maximum number of users who can open and share a shared workbook at one time: 256
  40. Maximum number cells that can be highlighted: 32,767
  41. Maximum number of colors: 32 colors
List of 2007 Menus:

  1. Home Tab: Clipboard(Cut, Copy, Copy Format, Paste), Font(Font, Font size, Increase font, Decrease font, Bold, Italic, Underline, Boarder, Fill color, Text color), Alignment(Top align, Middle align, Bottom align, Orientation, Decrease indent, Increase indent, Wrap Text, Merge and Center), Number(General, Accounting number format, percentage style, comma style, increase decimal, decrease decimal), Style(Conditional formatting, format as table, Cell Style), Cells(Insert, Delete, Format), Editing(AutoSum, Fill, Clear, Sorting and filter, Find and select, replace, go to)
  2. Insert Tab: Tables(PivotTable, Table), Illustration(Pictures, Clipart, Shapes, SmartArt), Chart(Column, line, Pie, Bar, Area, Scatter (X Y), Other chart(Stock, Surface, Doughnut, Bubble, Radar), Links(Hyperlink), Text(Text box, Header and footer, Word art, Signature line, Object Symbol)
  3. Page Layout: Thames (Thames, colors, fonts, Effects), Page Setup(Size, print area, break, background, print areas), Scale to fit( width, Height, Scale), Sheet options(Gridlines,(view, print,), Heading(view, print), Arrange(Bring to front, send to back, selection pane, align, group, rotate) 
  4. Formula: Function Library(insert function, AutoSum, Recently used, Financial, Logical, Text, date and time, math and trig, Lookup and reference, More functions (statistical, Engineering, cube, Information), Defined names( Name manager, define name, use in formula, create from section), Formula auditing(Trace precedents, trace dependents, remove arrows show formula, error checking, evaluate formula, watch window), Calculation(calculation options calculate now, calculate sheet)
  5. Data: Get external data(From access, from web, from text, from other sources, from xml data import, from data connection, wizard, from Microsoft query), Connections(Refresh all, connections, properties, edit links), Sort( sort, filter, clear, reapply, advance), Data tools( Text to column, remove duplicate, data validation, consolidation, what if analysis, goal seek, data table), Outline(Group, ungroup, subtotal, show details, hide details).
  6. Review: Proofing(spelling, research, thesaurus, translate), comments(new comment, delete, previous, next, show/hide comment, show all comments, show ink), Changes(Protect sheet, protect workbook, share workbook, protect and share work book, allow users to to edit range, track changes
  7. View: Work book views(normal, page layout, page break preview, custom view, full screen), Show/hide(ruler, gridlines, message bar, formula bar, heading), Zoom(Zoom 100%, Zoom to selection), Window(new window, arrange all, freeze panes, split, hide, unhide, view slide by slide, synchronous scrolling, reset window position, save workspace, switch windows), Macros(macros, view macros, record macros, user relative references
  8. Format Tab: Adjust(brightness, contrast, recolor, compress picture, change picture), Picture style(picture shape, picture border, picture effect), Arrange(Position Bring to font, send to back, text wrapping, align, group, rotate), size(crop, height, weight), Insert shapes(edit shapes, add text), shape style (shape fill, shape outline, change shape), show effects (shadow effect, shadow position), 3-D Effects(3-D effect, 3-D position), Arrange(position, bring to front, send to back, text wrapping, align, group, ungroup, regroup, rotate, size( height, weight).
  9. Design(when chart is selected) Type(change chart type, save as template), Data(switch row/column, select data), chart layouts(chart layouts), Chart styles(Chart styles), location(Move chart)
  10. Layout ( when chart is selected) Current selection(format selection, reset to match style), insert (picture shape, text box), labels(chart title, axis titles, legend, data labels, data table), Axes(Axes, primary horizontal axes, primary vertical axes, gridlines, primary horizontal line, primary vertical gridlines), background(Plot area, chart wall, chart floor, 3-D rotation), Analysis(Trendline, lines, up/down bars), Properties( Chart name)

MS Excel Keyboard Short-cuts:
  1. Ctrl + A - selects all contents of the worksheet.
  2. Ctrl + K - Inserts link.
  3. Ctrl + 1 - changes the format of selected cells, format cell dialog box.
  4. Ctrl + B or 2 - Bold
  5. Ctrl + I or 3 - Italic
  6. Ctrl + U or 4 - Underline
  7. Ctrl + 5 - Strikethrough the highlight selection.
  8. Ctrl + 9 - Row hide
  9. Ctrl + 0 - column hide
  10. Ctrl + P - print
  11. Ctrl + F9 - minimize the current window
  12. Ctrl + F10 - maximize selected window
  13. Ctrl + F6 - switch between open workbooks or windows
  14. Alt + = - creates a formula to sum all of the above cells.
  15. Ctrl + 'inserts the values of the above cell into cell currently selected.
  16. Ctrl + Shift + ! - format the number in comma format.
  17. Ctrl + Shift + $ - formats the number in current formats.
  18. Ctrl + Shift + # - date formats.
  19. Ctrl + Shift + % - percentage format.
  20. Ctrl + Shift + ^ - scientific formats.
  21. Ctrl + Shift + @ - Time formats.
  22. Ctrl + Arrow key - move to the next section of the text.
  23. Ctrl + Space - select the entry column.
  24. Shift + Space - select the entry row
  25. Ctrl + Shift + - - deletes the selected column or row.
  26. Ctrl + Shift + = - inserts a new column or row.
  27. Ctrl + Home - Moves to cell A1.
  28. Ctrl + ~ - switch between showing Excel formulas or their values in cells.
  29. F2 - Edits the selected cell.
  30. F3 - After a name has been created F3 will paste names.
  31. F4 - Repeat last action.
  32. F5 - Goes to a specific cell
  33. F7 - Spell checks the selected text or document
  34. F11 - Creates chart from the selected data.
  35. Ctrl + Shift + ; - Enters the current time.
  36. Ctrl + ; - Enter the current date.
  37. Alt + Shift + F1 - Inserts the new worksheets
  38. Alt + Enter - move to the next line allowing for multiple lines of text in one cell.
  39. Shift +F3 - Opens the Excel formula window.
  40. Shift +F5 - Brings up the search box.
Shortcuts keys:
  1. Ctrl + W - close a workbook.
  2. Ctrl + O - Open a workbook.
  3. Alt + H - Go to the Home Tab.
  4. Ctrl + S - save a work book
  5. Ctrl+ C - copy
  6. Ctrl + V - Paste
  7. Ctrl + Z - Undo
  8. Delete - Removes cell contents.
  9. Alt + H,H -  choose a fill color
  10. Ctrl + X - Cut
  11. Alt + N - Go to Insert Tab.
  12. Ctrl + B - Bold
  13. Alt + H,A,C - center align
  14. Alt + P - Page layout Tab
  15. Alt + A - Date Tab
  16. Alt + W - View Tab
  17. Alt + H,B - Add borders.
  18. Alt + H,D,C - Delete column
  19. Alt + M - Go to formula Tab
  20. Ctrl + 9 - Hide the selected row
  21. Ctrl+ 0 - Hide the selected column
  22. Ctrl + A - select the entry worksheet
  23. Alt + Enter - Start a new line in the same cell
  24. Ctrl + Spacebar - Select a entire row in a worksheet.
  25. Ctrl + Y - Repeat the last command
  26. Ctrl + Shift + U - Expand or collapse the formula bar.
  27. ESC - Cancel in entry in the cell or formula bar.
  28. Enter - accept entry.
  29. Ctrl + End - Move the cursor to the end of the text when in the formula bar
  30. Ctrl + Shift + End - Select all text in the formula bar from the cursor position to the end.
  31. Ctrl + Shift + A - Insert the argument names and parameters.
  32. Ctrl + Shift + L - Filter the data.
Shortcut on function key:

  1. F1 - Help
  2. F2 - edit the active cell bar
  3. F3 - displays the paste name dialog.
  4. F4 - repeats the last command or action.
  5. F5 - go to dialog box.
  6. F6 - switch between the worksheet.
  7. F7 - Opens the spelling dialog to check spelling in the active worksheet or selected range.
  8. F8 - turns extend mode on or off.
  9. F9 - calculate all worksheet.
  10. F10 - turns key tips on or off.
  11. F11 - Create a chart of the data in the current range in a separate chart sheet.
  12. F12 - Displays the Save as dialog box.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Electronic Spreadsheet (10)

 Introduction of Spreadsheet:

  • Electronic spreadsheets are a computerized version of the spreadsheet which works with row and column for mathematical calculation.
Types of Electronic Spreadsheet:
  1. VisiCalc: VisiCalc running on an Apple II, in 1979.
  2. Super Calc: Supercalc was a spreadsheet application published by Sorkin in 1980.
  3. Lotus 1-2-3: The Lotus 1-2-3 developed in November, 1982, and released for sale in January, 1983.
  4. Microsoft Excel: Microsoft resealed the first version of Excel for the Macintosh on September 30, 1985 for windows.
  5. Notable current spreadsheet software: Calligra sheets, Corel Quattro Pro, King soft Spreadsheets, Neo Office, Plan maker, Apple works, Kspread, Pyspread.
List of Spreadsheet Package:
  1. KSpread
  2. PlanMaker
  3. Quattro Pro
  4. AppleWorks
  5. Gnumeric
  6. OpenOffice Calc
  7. Lotus 1-2-3
  8. Thinkfree office
  9. Mariner Calc
  10. Ability
  11. Star Office, Visi Calc
Introduction of MS Excel:
  • It is Electronic spread sheet application software.
  • Developed by Microsoft Corporation.
  • In this application work with Row and Column (spread sheet)
Feature of MS Excel:
  • Fast calculation
  • Graphical Analysis (Chart, Graph)
  • Data analysis
  • Financial purpose
  • List management
  • Partial database management system
  • executable file of excel (Excel.exe).

Organization of Electronic Spreadsheet application:

Workspace: Workspace is collection of multiple workbooks.
Workbook: Collection of worksheet/ various types of sheet.
Worksheet: It allows to make calculation that have been enter data. It contains the Row and Column.
Chart sheet: It holds the dialog box that can be using any action.
Macro sheet/ Module sheet: It contains programming coding as a any function.
Grid Line: It is sheet element.
Cell: The least elementary block unit of sheet.
Column: Series of vertical cells. Each column is labeled by Alphabet (A-Z)
Row: Series of Horizontal line/cells. Row reference is 1-65536, 1048576.
Cell Pointer: A cell shaped element is indicated thick dark border and move around a sheet.
Fill Handle: A Thin + symbol appear bottom right corner of cell pointer.

Creating New Workbook:
  • Go to Office button/file menu/file Tab.
  • Click on new option. or directly CTRL + N.
Saving new Workbook:
  • Go to office button/file menu/file tab.
  • Click on save option or directly press Ctrl + S key.
  • Choose save location.
  • Give the file name
  • Click on save button.
Using formula:
Cell Address/ Cell Reference:
  • It is location of cell in a sheet.
  • It is the value of cell is reference.
  • In cell reference Column reference and row reference are combined. Eg. A5:C6.
There are three types of cell reference in Excel:
  1. Relative cell reference: The row and column reference can change when you copy the formula to another cell because the references are actually offsets from the current row and column. E.g. A1,B1,C1, in Cell C1 contains the formula: =A1+B1.
  2. Absolute: cell reference in a formula that does NOT change when copied to another cell. Example: $D$S, $AB$58, $B$3,$B$2 etc. Cell C3 contains the formula: =$B$2+B3.
  3. Mixed: cell reference in a cell with an absolute and mixed part. Example: $B8, A$5
Function argument:
  1. No arguments - E.g. Now(), Date(), etc.
  2. One argument - UPPER(), LOWER(), etc.
  3. A fixed number of arguments - IF(), MAX(), MIN(), AVERAGE(),etc.
  4. Infinite number of arguments
  5. Optional arguments.
SOME Basic Function:
1) Text Function:
  • LOWER: Converts all characters in lower case.
  • UPPER: Converts all characters in upper case.
  • TRIM: Removes duplicate spaces.
  • CONCATENATE: Joins together two or more text string.
  • LEFT: Returns a specified number of characters from the start of a supplied text string.
  • MID: Returns a specified number of character from the middle of a supplied text string.
  • RIGHT: Returns a specified number of characters from the end of a supplied text string.
  • LEN: Returns the length of a supplied text string.
  • FIND: Returns the position of a supplied character or text string from within a supplied text string (case sensitive).
2. SEARCH Function: It helps to find the starting position of a text string from another text string.

3) Date and Time function:
  • Date: Returns a date, from a user-supplied year, month and day.
  • Time: Returns a time, from a user-supplied hour, minute and second.
  • Date value: Converts a text string showing a date, to an integer that represents the date in Excel's date-time mode.
  • Time value: Converts a text string showing a time, to a decimal that represents the time in excel.
  • Now: Returns the current date and time.
  • Today: Returns today date.
  • Date function: It creates the valid date according to Excel's date format. You need to specify the day, month and year.
  • DATEDIF function: It returns the difference between the start date and end date.
  • DATEVALUE: function: It converts a date (sorted as text) into a serial number that Excel recognizes as a date.
  • EDATE Function: It returns a date which is a number of months before or after a specific date.
  • DAY Function: It returns the day of the month ranging from 1-31 from the date you specify.
  • DAYS function: It returns the difference between two dates.
  • TODAY function: It returns a serial number that excel recognizes as the current date.
  • MONTH function: It returns the month name (Jan-Dec) from the date you specify ( a valid date).
  • EOMONTH Function : It gives you the date of a month which is a number of months before the date.
  • YEAR Function: It returns the year (Jan-Dec) from the date you specify ( a valid date).
  • WEEKDAY Function: It returns the day number of the week (Ranging from 1-7) for the date you have specified the date.
  • WEEKNUM function: It returns the week number of the specified date.
  • NETWORKDAYS Function: It returns the number of workdays between the start date and end date which exclude holidays.
4) Statistical Function:
  • MAX: Returns the largest value from a list of supplied numbers.
  • MIN: Returns the smallest value from a list of supplied numbers.
  • AVERAGE: Returns the Average of a list of supplied numbers.
  • AVERAGEIFS: is a perfect excel function when we want to calculate an average using more than one criteria.
  • COUNT: Returns the number of numerical values in a supplied set of cells values.
  • COUNT IF: Returns the number of cells (of a supplied range), that satisfies a given criteria.
  • SUM: Returns the sum of a supplied list of numbers.
5.) Logical Function:

  • AND: Tests a number of user-defined conditions and returns TRUE if all of the conditions evaluate to TRUE, or FALSE otherwise.
  • OR: Tests a number of user-defined conditions and returns TRUE if any of the conditions evaluate to TRUE, or FALSE otherwise.
  • NOT: returns a logical value that is the opposite of a user supplied logical value or expression.

6) Math and Tring: 
  • ABS: Returns the absolute value (i.e. the modules) of a supplied number.
  • SIGN: Returns the sign (+1, -1, or 0) of a supplied number.
  • SQRT: Returns the positive square root of a given number.
  • MOD: Returns the reminder from a division between two supplied numbers.
Changing default option: To change the default setting of excel:
Go to "office button/file - Option - General"
  • Popular:
  • Formula
  • Proofing:
  • Save:
  • Advanced:
  • Customize:
  • Add-ins:
  • Trust Center:
Sorting and filtering Data:
  • Place a cursor on the Header Row.
  • Choose Data Tab >> Filter to set filter.
  • Click the dropdown arrow in the Area Row Header and Remove the check mark from select All, which unless everything.
  • Then select the check mark for required option.
Advance Filter: It is used to filter the selected data by user criteria.

Method of Sort before Subtotal:
  • Go to Data Tab.
  • Click on sort under the sort and filter group.
  • Sort by product, Sort on values and then select A to Z. in order.
  • Click on ok.
Creating Chart:
Chart: A chart is a visual representation of numeric values.
Types of Charts:
  • Column:
  • Bar:
  • Pie:
Inserting Header and footer: A header is the information that appears at the top of each printed page and footer is the information that appears at the bottom of printed page.
Adding header and footer:
  • On the Insert Tab.
  • In the group choose header and footer.
  • Click add header.
  • On the Design tab, in the Header and Footer Elements group, Click Current date to add the current date (or add the current time, file name, sheet name, ext.
Spell checking:
  • To access the spell checker, Choose Review - Spelling or Press F7.
  • To Check the spelling in just a particular range, select the range before you active the spell checker.
Various option available in spell check dialogue.
  • Ignore one
  • Ignore all
  • Add to dictionary
  • Change all
  • Auto correct.
Importing from and Exporting into other Formats:
We can Import data From:
  • From MS access
  • From Webpage(html)
  • Text
  • CSV
  • XML
  • SQL Server
Excel file can be export in:
  • XML
  • Webpage
  • Text (Tab delimited)
  • Unicode text
  • CSV (Comma delimited)
  • Formatted text
  • Text
  • DIF (data interchange format)
  • SYLK
  • PDF
  • XPS
What if analysis tool, pivot Table:
  • What if Analysis tools in Excel, you use several different sets of values in one or more formulas to explore all the various results.
  • What analysis tools are Goal seek, data table and Scenario manager.
Goal Seek: Goal seek is a built-in Excel tool that allows you to see how one data item in a formula impacts another.
Goal seeking is the ability to calculate backward to obtain an input that would result in a given output.

Scenario: A Scenario is a set of values that Excel save different groups of values as scenarios and then switch between these scenarios to view the different results.

Dat table: A data table is a range of cells in which you you can change values in some in some of the cells and come up with different answers to a problem.

Pivot Tables: A Pivot table is essentially a dynamic summary report generated from a database. The database can reside in a worksheet or in an external data file.
Pivot tables are available under Insert Tab - PivotTable dropdown - Pivot table.

Pivot Charts: A Pivot chart is a graphical representation of a data summary, displayed in a pivot table.
Pivot charts are available under Insert Tab - PivotTable dropdown - Pivot chart.

Page setting, Previewing and printing:
Page setup dialog box:
Page Orientation:

Types of Page Orientation:
  • Portrait (The default)
  • Landscape
Changing Page Orientation:
  • Choose Page Layout - Page Setup - Orientation - Portrait or Landscape.
  • Choose page layout - page setup - Margin drop down list, you can select Normal, Wide, Narrow, or the custom 
Adding Header and Footer:
  • Choose Page Setup dialog box - Header or footer tab.
Types of operators in Excel:
  1. Arithmetic operators: To perform basic mathematical operations such as addition(+ sign), Subtraction (- sign), Multiplication (* sign), division (/ sign), Percent (% sign), Exponentiation (^ caret sign).
  2. Comparison Operators: You can compare to values with the following operators. Equal to (= sign), Greater then (> sign), Less than (< sign), Greater than or equal to( >= sign), Less than or equal to (<= sign), Not equal to (<> sign)
  3. Text Concatenation operator: Use the ampersand (&) to concatenate (combine) one or more text string to produce a single piece of text.
  4. Reference Operator: Combine ranges of cell for calculations with the following operators. : (colon), , (comma), _()Space.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Word processing (next part)

 Microsoft Word 2007:

Groups: To further organize the many commands available in Microsoft word, commands are organized in groups on each tab.

S. No.    TAB    GROUP

1.    Home    1. Clipboard, 2. Font, 3. Paragraph, 4. Styles, 5. Editing(find, replace, select)

2.    Insert    1. Pages, 2. Tables, 3. Illustrations, 4. Add-ins, 5. Media, 6. Links, 7.                                                     Comments,8. Header and Footer, 9. Text, 10. Symbols

3.    Design    1. Document formatting, 2. Page Background

4.    Layout    1. Page Setup, 2. Paragraph,  3. Arrange

5.    References    1. Table of Contents, 2. Footnotes, 3. Research, 4. Citations and                                                             Bibliography, Captions, Index, Table of Authorities

6.    Mailings    1. Create, 2. Start mail merge, 3. Write and insert Fields, 4. Preview                                                        Results, 5. Finish

7.    Review    1. Proofing, 2. Speech, 3. Accessibility, 4. Language, 5. Comments, 6.                                                       Tracking, 7. Changes, 8. Compare, 9. Protect, 10. Ink

8.    View    1. View, 2. Immersive, 3. Page Movement, 4. Show, 5. Zoom, 

                        6. Window, 7. Macros,  8. Share point

Short Cut Keys for MS Office Word:

  1. Left Arrow key - One character left
  2. Right arrow key - One character character right.
  3. Up arrow key - One line Up.
  4. Down arrow key - One line up
  5. Ctrl + Left arrow key - One word left.
  6. Ctrl + Right arrow key - One word right.
  7. Ctrl + Up arrow key - Beginning of previous paragraph.
  8. Ctrl + down arrow - Beginning of next paragraph.
  9. Home - Beginning of current line.
  10. End - End of current line.
  11. PgUp - one page up
  12. PgDn - one page down
  13. Ctrl + Home - Beginning of document.
  14. Ctrl + End - End of document.
  15. Ctrl + PgUp - Beginning of previous page
  16. Ctrl + PgDn - Beginning of next page.
  17. Alt + Tab - Switch to the next window.
  18. ALT + SHIFT + TAB - Switch to the previous window
  19. CTRL + W, or CTRL +F4 - Close the active window.
  20. ALT + F5 - Restore the size of the active window after you maximize it.
  21. F6 - Move to a task pane from another pane in the program window (clockwise direction). You may need to press F6 more than once.
  22. SHIFT + F6 - Move to a task pane from another pane in the program window.
  23. CTRL + F6 - When more than window is open, switch to the next window.
  24. CTRL + SHIFT + F6 - Switch to the Previous Window.
  25. CTRL + F10 - Maximize or restore a selected window.
  26. PRINT Screen - Copy a picture of the selected window to the Clipboard.
  27. CTRL + F12 or CTRL +O - Display the open dialogue box.
  28. F5 - Update the file list
  29. EZC - Cancel the action
  30. SHIFT +F10 - Open a drop-down menu for the selected gallery item.

Common Shortcut key:

  1. CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR - Create a non breaking space.
  2. CTRL+HYPHEN - Create a non breaking hyphen
  3. CTRL+B - Make letters Bold.
  4. CTRL+SHIFT+< - Decrease font size one values
  5. CTRL+SHIFT+> - Increase font size one values
  6. CTRL+[ - Decrease font size one point
  7. CTRL+] - Increase font size one point
  8. CTRL+SPACEBAR - Remove paragraph or character formatting
  9. CTRL+ALT+V - Paste Special
  10. CTRL+SHIFT+V - Paste formatting only
  11. CTRL+SHIFT+G - Open the word count dialog box
  12. CTRL+N - Create a new document
  13. CTRL+O - Open a document
  14. CTRL+W - Close a document.
  15. ALT+CTRL+S - Split the document windows
  16. ALT+SHIFT+C - Remove the document window split
  17. CTRL+F - Find text
  18. ALT+CTRL+Y - Repeat find
  19. CTRL+H - Replace text
  20. CTRL+G - Go to a page
  21. ALT+CTRL+Z - Switch between the last four places that you have edited
  22. ALT+CTRL+P - Switch to print layout view
  23. ALT+CTRL+O - Switch outline view
  24. ALT+CTRL+N - Switch to Draft view
  25. CTRL+ TAB - Insert a Tab Character
  26. ALT+CTRL+I - out of print preview
  27. ALT+CTRL+M - insert a comment
  28. CTRL+SHIFT+E - Turn change tracking on or off.
  29. ALT+SHIFT+C - Close the reviewing pane if it is open
  30. ALT+SHIFT+F - Insert a footnote
  31. ALT+CTRL+D - Insert an endnote.
  32. CTRL+K - insert a hyperlink
  33. BACKSPACE - Delete one character to the one character.
  34. CTRL+BACKSPACE - Delete one word to the left
  35. DELETE - Delete one character to the right
  36. CTRL+DELETE - delete one word to the right
  37. CTRL+F3 - Cut to the spike
  38. ALT+SHIFT+R - copy the header or footer used in the previous section of the document
  39. CTRL+F9 - Afield
  40. CTRL+ENTER - A page break
  41. CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER - A column break.
  42. ALT+CTRL+C - The copyright symbol
  43. ALT+CTRL+R - The registered trademark symbol
  44. ALT+CTRL+T - The trademark symbol
  45. ALT+CTRL+PERIOD - An ellipsis
  46. F8 - Turn extend mode on
  47. CTRL+SHIFT+C - Copy formatting from text
  48. CTRL+SHIFT+V - Apply copied formatting to text
  49. CTRL+SHIFT+F - Open the font dialog box to change the font.
  50. CTRL+D - Open the font dialog box to change the formatting of characters.
  51. SHIFT+F3 - Change the case of letters.
  52. CTRL+SHIFT+A - Format all letters as capitals
  53. CTRL+SHIFT+W - underline words only but not spaces
  54. CTRL+SHIFT+D - Double underline
  55. CTRL+SHIFT+H - apply hidden text formatting
  56. CTRL+SHIFT+K - format letters as small capitals
  57. CTRL+= - apply subscript formatting
  58. CTRL+SHIFT++ - apply superscript formatting
  59. CTRL+SHIFT+Q - Change the selection to the symbol font
  60. CTRL+1 - Single space lines
  61. CTRL+2 - Double space line
  62. CTRL+5 - Set 1.5 line spacing
  63. CTRL+0  - add or remove one line space preceding a paragraph.
  64. CTRL+E -switch a paragraph between centered and left-aligned
  65. CTRL+J - Switch a paragraph between justified and left aligned
  66. CTRL+R - Switch a paragraph between right aligned and left aligned
  67. CTRL+L - Left align a paragraph
  68. CTRL+M - Indent a paragraph from the left.
  69. CTRL+SHIFT+M - Remove a paragraph indent from the left
  70. CTRL+T - Create a hanging indent - CTRL+T
  71. CTRL+SHIFT+T - Reduce a hanging indent
  72. CTRL+Q - Remove paragraph formatting.
  73. ALT+SHIFT+K - Preview a mail merge
  74. ALT+SHIFT+N - Merge a document
  75. ALT+SHIFT+M - Print the merge document
  76. ALT+SHIFT+E - Edit a mail-merge data document
  77. ALT+SHIFT+F - Insert a merge field
  78. ALT+SHIFT+D - insert a date field
  79. ALT+CTRL+L - insert a LISTNUM field
  80. CTRL+F9 - Switch between a selected fields
  81. F9 - update selected fields
  82. SHIFT+F9 - switch between a selected field field code and its result
  83. F1 - Get help
  84. F2 - Move text or graphics
  85. F4 - repeat the last action
  86. F5 - choose the go to command
  87. F6 - Go to the next pane or frame
  88. F7 - choose the spelling command
  89. F8 - Extend a selection
  90. F12 - Choose the save as command
  91. SHIFT+F2 - copy text
  92. SHIFT+F7 - Choose the Thesaurus command
  93. SHIFT+F8 - Shrink a selection
  94. CTRL+F2 - choose the print preview command
  95. CTRL+F4 - close the window
  96. CTRL+F10 - Maximize the document window
  97. CTRL+F12 - choose the open command
  98. ALT+F5 - restore the program window size
  99. ALT+F8 - run a macro
  100. ALT+F11 - display micro soft visual basic code
                                        The End

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Word Processing (10)

 Word Processing:

Word processing software: The software which is to designing brochures and type biography, typing printing and process the text and word etc.

Types of word processing:
1. Microsoft word:
  •  One of the most well-known and widely used word processing applications on the market is Microsoft word.
  • Microsoft corporation first released this program to the market in 1989.
2. Word Perfect: 
  • Word Perfect is a word processing applications from Corel Corporation.
  • Word Perfect was popular in the early 1990s.
3. Lotus Word Pro:
  • It is produced and distributed by IBM Corporation.
4. iWork Pages:
  • A page is a word processing program offered by apple Incorporated.
  • It is a part of Apple's iWork of program.

Microsoft word : Most used Program

  • Designed by Microsoft.
  • Office 4.3 first processing package.
  • Office Package (word: use for documentation, Excel: mathematical calculation, Power point: data presentation, access: database management .
  • The current versions are Microsoft Office Word 2019. 

 Some Example of word processor:

  • Start Office/ Open office
  • Word Pro
  • 602 Text
  • Word Pad
  • Word Express
  • Microsoft Word
  • Apple Works
  • GoBe Productive
  • Kword
  • Copy write
  • Word Star
  • Ablity write
  • Abword
  • Think free office
  • Word Perfect
  • Mariner write
  • Nisus writer Express
  • Text Shield
Default setting by Microsoft office product:
  1. Font: 2003 - Time New Roman, 2007 - Calibri(Body)
  2. Font Style: Normal
  3. Font Size: 2003 - 12 pt. (1 point = 1/72 inch), 2007 - 11 pt
  4. Alignment: Left
  5. Paper size: Letter (8.5*11) Portrait
  6. Orientation: Portrait
  7. Margin: 2003 - (Top -1",Bottom -1",Left -1.25", Right - 1.25"), 2007 (Top -1", bottom -1", Left -1", Right - 1)
  8. Text color - Black
  9. Page layout - Print layout
  10. Page background - White
  11. Tab position - 0.5"
  12. Line spacing - 2003, 1(single line), 2007 - 1.15
  13. Drop cap - 3 lines
  14. header and footer - 0.5 inch
  15. Number of font list - minimum - 8, maximum - 72
  16. Default saving - My document
  17. Extension - .doc,2007 - .docx
  18. default case - sentence case
  19. default recently used file - 4
  20. measure unit of ruler - inch

Limitation of word:

  1. Zoom - 10% to 500%
  2. 1 to 1638 points
  3. Number of heading - 9 Level
  4. Minimum Paper size - .26*.26 cm
  5. Maximum paper size - 55.87 *55.87
  6. Number of newspaper column 1 to 45 numbers
  7. Paragraph space, character space - 0 to 1584 points
  8. Number of column in Table - 1 to 63
  9. Number of rows in table - 1 to 32676
  10. Left/right indent - -22 to 22 inch
  11. Recent file list - 0 to 9 files
  12. Number of copy for printing - 1 to 32767
  13. Character Scale - 1% to 600%
  14. Tab stop position - 0 to 22 inch
  15. Custom" paper size - 0.1" to 22"
  16. header and footer size - 0 to 22 inch
  17. gutter margin 0 to 22 inch
  18. page margin - -22 to 22 inch
  19. text box and auto shape height and width - 0 to 22 inch
  20. Text box and auto shape scale - 0% to 10675%
  21. drop cap line - 1 to 10 line
  22. Line weight - 0 to 1584 pt.
  23. Horizontal and vertical grid - 0.01" to 22
  24. File size - 32 MB
  25. Size of word can open - 512 MB
Limitation of  Ms word table:
  1. Column - Minimum -1, Maximum 63
  2. Row - Minimum -1, Maximum - 32767
  3. Height of table and row - minimum - 0"or 0%, Maximum - 22" or 600%
  4. Width of column - minimum 0" or 0%, Maximum - 22" or 100%
Some Page size: 
  1. Letter - 8.5"*11" (Default Page size)
  2. Legal - 8.5"*11"
  3. A3 - 11.69"* 16.54"
  4. A4 - 8.27"*11.69"
  5. Screen - 6.5*5.18"
Component of document window:
  1. Menu bar/Ribbon
  2. Standard tool bar
  3. Drawing tool bar
  4. Task pane: Show/hide task page press Ctrl+F1
  5. Formatting tool bar
  6. Ruler and Scroll bar
  7. Status bar
  8. (Note: to close the document shortcut key Ctrl+ W)
Menu Bar and Tool Bars:
  • MS Word 2003 contained a set of pull down menu at the top just below the title bar e.g. File, Edit, View, Insert, format, Tools, Table and Help are the menu by default.
  • Tool bars are the collection of frequently required commands. It contains buttons that helps you perform actions mostly with one click.
  • Standard, Formatting and drawing are the most frequently used/common toolbar.
  • MS word has many other toolbars such as Picture, Mail Merge, Table toolbar etc.
Ribbons and Ribbon Tabs:
  • Menu bars and tool bars are replaced in word 2007 and 2010 by ribbons and ribbon tabs.
  • Combination of icons and tabs is known as the Ribbon interface.
Default toolbar:
  • Standard toolbar
  • Formatting toolbar
  • drawing toolbar
Scroll bars:
  • A vertical scroll bar placed at the right edge of MS Word screen lets you scroll your document up or down.
  • It helps you to display the left or right portion of your page.
Ruler and Scroll Bars:
  • MS word has a horizontal and a vertical ruler. It can be used as a guide to layout different objects on page.
List of Microsoft word Menu:

  1. File menu: The file menu is one you will find yourself using extensively. It is used to create new documents, open existing documents and saving your new/ updated documents.
  • New: This creates a new Microsoft word document. Shortcut key → Ctrl + N
  • Save: Shortcut key → Ctrl + S, open the save as dialogue box : F12 Key
  • Save As: To save the active document into different name/location/format. Shortcut key → F12 .
  • Open: To load or open pre-existing / already save document. Shortcut key → Ctrl + O.
  • Close: This close the active / current document. Shortcut key → Ctrl + W or Ctrl + F4.
  • Exit: It exit/close the word application within document. Shortcut key → Alt + F4.
  • Properties: It displays the information, of active document.
  • Save as webpage: To save the active document in webpage format directly.
  • Send: To send the active document into mail/fax etc.
  • Version: To save the active document into different version of word.
  • Print Preview: To view the document before the print. Shortcut key → Ctrl + P.
  • Page setup: Also called Formatting of the page.
To open page setup:
  • File→ Page setup → Page orientation
Margin Tab: Margin tab is used to set the Margin of page and Orientation of paper/page.

Types of Margin:
  • Left Margin:
  • Right margin:
  • Top Margin:
  • Bottom Margin:
  • Portrait:
  • Landscape:
Mirror margin (double side of page):
  • Inside Margin: Margin at the binding side of page.
  • Outside margin: Margin that page turning side.
  • Gutter Margin: The extra space is added to the left/top side of page for binding purpose.
Print: It allows producing hardcopy output of document. Shortcut key → Ctrl + P.

    2. Edit Menu: To edit the content of document. It includes commands relating to the editing of your document.
  • Undo: It ignore the change/ reverts the last action. Shortcut key → Ctrl + Z.
  • Repeat/ redo: Repeat the last action. Shortcut key → Ctrl + Y.
  • Cut: It transfer the select object to the clipboard. Shortcut key → Ctrl + X.
  • Copy: It transfer a copy of selected object to the clipboard. Shortcut key → Ctrl + C.
  • Paste: To transfer a copy of clipboards content to the destination. Shortcut key → Ctrl + V.
  • Clear: It also allows you to delete the selected element.
  • Select All: This will select every element in the current document. Shortcut key → Ctrl + A.
        Double click: to select word, Triple click: To select single paragraph.
  • Find: To search specified string, words, format into the document. Shortcut key → Ctrl+ F.
  • Replace: Replace allows you to replace a given text with a substitute of your choice. Shortcut key → Ctrl + H.
  • Go to: It is used to go to any line, page, section, bookmark, comment, footnote, endnote, table and heading. Shortcut key → Ctrl + G or F5.
  • Links: This allows you to manage any linked objects in the current document.
  • Objects: This command allows you to manage any embedded objects within the current document.
3. View menu: This menu is used to control not only the visual layout of your Word document but also the printing configuration.
  • Normal view: It shows your current document in a layout without the document margin.
  • Print layout view/ page layout view: This view will show the document in a layout including all margins and page breaks.
  • Outline/ master document view: The Outline view allows you to change the structure of your document.
  • Web Layout: The Web Layout view will show you how the current document will look on a web browser, a full-screen layout.
  • Full screen / Reading view: It is screen view of document.
  • Zoom: This will open the zoom dialogue box, enabling you to change the percentage of zoom for the current view.
  • Markup: It show the command other track change from view menu.
  • Task Pane: This command toggles (shows/hides) the Task Pane.
  • Toolbars: It shows and hide the required toolbar and also can create new toolbar..
  • Document map: The document map is a handy feature which allows you to navigate the current document.
  • Footnote: This command will show all footnotes and endnotes.
  • Ruler: Hide/show horizontal and vertical ruler bar. It is left and up side.
  • Header and footer: An element that appear in the every document when printed.
  • Header: An element/text that appear in top of every page.
  • Footer: A text/ object that display in bottom of every page of document.
  • Hide and show: It shows/hide the hidden character /word to document.
4. Insert menu: The insert menu is used to place various objects into your document, such as page numbers, pictures, symbols, comments and other objects.
  • Break: The flow of text into the different part of document.
  • Types of Breaks
  1. Line break: Shift + Enter
  2. Paragraph break: Enter
  3. Column break: Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
  4. Page Break: Ctrl + Enter.
  5. Text warping break: Wrap/ break the text below the picture.
  6. Section break: Create the sub document / separate setting. 1, b , page number.
  • Page Number: A symbol that is used to identify the sequence of page number of every page in document.
  • Footnote: It is reference text. Shortcut key: Alt + Ctrl + F
  • End note: All text are appear in the end of document / last page of document. Alt + Ctrl + D.
  • Bookmark: A method of marking for location in document.
  • Hyperlink: The link is established through hyperlink ( text, object) Shortcut key: Ctrl + K.
  • Picture: This option is used to add picture in document.
  • Diagram/Smart Art: The diagram command will open the diagram gallery dialogue box.
  • Object (OLE): To insert object from different source application. It create link from excel, paint.
  • File: Enables you to insert part or all of a file into the current document.
  • Date and Time: It is used to add / insert current system date into the document.
  •  Field: This command allows you to enter specified fields into your document.
  • Caption: The description text/ name of object.
  • Index and table: It create the table of content / document. But we set the heading. It generates to heading style.
  • Text box: This allow you to insert text boxes document in required location.
  • Auto text: It is a clip of text. Alt + F3.
  • Comments: This command will place a comment into the document at the location of the curser.
  • Symbol: This allows you to insert symbol and special characters into your document.
  • Symbol: This allows you to insert symbols and special characters into your document.
  • Reference: The Reference command will allow you to insert a footnote, caption, cross-reference, index, and tables.
  • Web Component: This command is used to insert any web components into your Microsoft Word document.
  • Font: This will change the font attributes of either the currently selected text, or any subsequent text, using the font dialog box it has two Tab.
  • Paragraph: The command will open the paragraph dialogue box, allowing you to make changes to either existing text or subsequence text.
  • There are four alignments (Left, right, center, and justify).
  • Default alignment is Left.
  • There are five types of line spacing: single line, double line, 1.5 line, multiple line, exactly.
  • There are four types of indent: First line indent, Hanging indent,, right indent, left indent.
  • Bullets and Numbering: This is a handy command, it creates indented lists with various formats.
  • Borders and Shading: This command allow you to create borders and shading on elements within your micro soft word document.
  • Columns: The Columns command will split the current document into the number of  columns you specify.
  • Tabs: This command allows you to manage tabs, including the alignment, spacing, and whether the tab has a leader or not.
  • Drop Cap: A drop cap is a letter at the start of a paragraph of text that spans 2 or more rows of text, you will often see add a drop cap character to your document or change an existing letter to a drop cap.
  • Watermark: A watermark is simply a very faint image that appears behind your text.
  • Text direction: This allows you to change the text direction of a text object, for example a text box.
  • Change case: The Change case tool allows you to alter the case of existing text.
  • Background: This changes the background color of your micro soft word document.
  • Theme: The themes command will open the theme dialogue box, allowing you to change the theme of your document, including heading style, hyperlinks and background color.
  •  Frames: This command opens the frame dialogue box
  • Auto Format: The AutoFormat feature will format a whole document with preset attributes.
  • Styles and Formatting: This will open the styles and formatting toolbar, allowing you create heading, lists and more.
  • Reveal formatting: Clicking on this will show a dialogue box detailing the format attributes of the selected element.
  • Object: Allows you to make changes to any existing objects within the current document.
6. Tools menu: The tools menu will also be one you may use regularly.
  • Spelling and Grammar: This command will check the spelling and grammar of the current Microsoft word document.
  • Language: The language tool has various options, including setting the language of the document, translating text, open the thesaurus and manage hyphenation.
  • Word Count: This will open the word count dialogue box, enabling you to count the amount of words in the hole document, or the currently selected text.
  • Auto summarize: This can be a handy feature of Microsoft word , depending on the type and format of your document.
  • Speech: This will open the speech Recognition feature of Microsoft word ( if install available)
  • Track change: Clicking on this command will cause Microsoft word to track any subsequent changes to the document.
  • Compare and merge document: This command allows you to control the protection of the document, including tracked changes, comments and forms.
  • Online collaboration: Enables NetMeeting allowing you to communicate with others in real time via the internet or local network.
  •  Letters and Mailing: Gives you access to various features , including the mail merge wizard, the letter wizard, the Envelopes and labels tool, and the mail merge tool bar.
  • Macro: This opens the Macro Dialogue box, allowing you to manage subsequent and existing macros.
  • Templates and Add-Ins: Opens the Templates and Add-Ins Dialogue box, allowing you to add, remove or update styles and template.
  • AutoCorrect Options: Opens the AutoCorrect dialogue box, enabling you to manage capitalization, and also the replace text as you type settings.
  • Customize: Allows you to customize the Microsoft word.
  • Options: This opens the main options dialogue box in Microsoft word. 
7. Table Menu: Tables are a great way of laying out content within your document.
  • Draw Table: This command opens the tables and borders dialogue box with the draw table tool active.
  • Insert: Allowing you to insert a whole table or just columns, rows and cells.
  • Select: This command allows you to select the current table, column row, or cell.
  • Merge cell: This tool will merge the currently selected cell into one.
  • Table AutoFormat: This command will open the Microsoft Word Table, AutoFormat dialogue box, where you can choose from a number of different table templates, including preset fonts and cells background colors.
  • Split Table: This command will split the current table, making the split at the currently selected cells.
  • AutoFit: This tools gives you several options for resizing the selected table in relation with the contents or windows.
  • Heading Rows Repeat: This handy tool will repeat the currently selected row at the top of every page for the length of the table.
  • Convert: This command will convert existing text into a table format. The text will have to have a common separator to indicate the different columns, it will also needs new paragraphs where you would like each row.
  • Sort: This opens the Sort Table dialogue box. You can choose which column you would like to sort and by what order.
  • Formula: This tool allows you to apply a formula to the selected cell. For example, if you wanted to add up the contents of several rows n a specific column, you could use the SUM formula in the Formula dialogue box.
  • Hide Gridlines: This simply hides the gridlines of the select table.
  • Table Properties: This will displays the various properties of the selected table.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021



  • Microsoft windows is a group of several graphical operating system families, all of which are developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft.
  • Developed in November 20, 1985.
  • Graphical User Interface/ Multitasking/ multiuser operating system.
GUI: The Graphical User Interface (GUI) is a form of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and visual form, instead of text based user interfaces or typed command labels or text navigation.

Windows GUI include:
  • Desktop and icons
  • Task bar
  • Start button
  • Built-in Programs (Word pad, paint)
  • Web Browser (internet explorer) 
History of windows:

  1. windows 1.0: first version of windows, released in 1985, basic function and introduce, first version of MS paint and a primitive word processor.
  2. Windows 2.0: Released in 1987, better than the first, introduce two current staples Excel and Word to users.
  3. Windows 3.0 : Released in 1990.
  4. Windows 3.1 : Released in 1992.
  5. Windows 95 :  Released in  1995.
  6. Windows 98 : Released in 1998.
  7. Windows/ME : Released in 2000.
  8. Windows XP : Released in 2001.
  9. Windows Vista: Released in 2006.
  10. Windows 7 : Released in 2009.
  11. Windows 8 : Released in 2012
  12. Windows 8.1 Released in 2013.
  13. Windows 10 : 2015, latest windows
  14. Windows server 2016: 
  15. Windows server 2019 : is the latest version of the server operating system by Microsoft, as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems. Windows server 2019 was announced on March 20, 2018.
Basic windows Elements:
  1. Taskbar: It appear just below the desktop.
  •     A horizontal bar the bottom of a desktop is taskbar.
  • It is the first loading component of windows OS.
  • It allow to assign different task.
  • At first after loading OS display the Taskbar.
  • It display open windows, start button and system tray, Quick launch toolbar, language toolbar.
  • It is entire screen area of windows.
  • It is workplace/ working area of windows where we can place different item.
  • It displays the background/wallpaper.
  • Graphical illusion of an object (file, folder, device, program)
  • Symbolic represent of object.
Introduction of Desktop component:

  1. My computer: It is group icon, and also called system folder.
  2. My document: It is a default file folder for office document.
  3. Internet explorer: It is default web browser comes with windows OS.
  4. Outlook express: It is email client software.
  5. Recycle bin: It is system folder that holds the deleted file.
  6. My network places: It is work group component, allow to access different user and document.
Shutting down windows:
  1. Shut down: switch of the computer. (Alt+F4), (or click Start button- power- shutdown) power cut.
  2. Restart: "reboots" the computer.
  3. Sleep: Clicking on Sleep puts your computer in a low-power state, but doesn't turn it off.
  4. Hibernate: Hibernate mode is sort is sort of a compromise between Shut down and Sleep modes.
File management with windows explorer:
  • Searching for files.
  • Creating folder directories.
  • Saving files
  • Copying files
  • Moving files
  • Deleting files.
Windows Explorer: It is the operating system file and folder manager. You've probably used windows Explorer without even realizing it. Every time you open, say, your documents folder or the photos folder on a memory card, that's an instance of windows explorer.

Component of Window:
  1. Title bar
  2. Menu bar
  3. Tool bar
  4. Address bar
  5. Status bar
Windows Application:

  • Notepad:
  • Word pad:
  • Paint brush:
  • Character Map:
  • Calculator:
  • Snipping tools:
Control Panel: It is system folders which contains different applets (component) for setting. Such as: device setting, program setting, environment setting, number format etc.
Way of accessing control panel:
  1. start - setting- control panel
  2. my computer - control panel
  3. Run - type control panel
Component of control panel:
  1. Font
  2. Add new hardware
  3. Driver/device driver
  4. Plug and play
  5. Auto paly/run
  6. adding software/ add/remove program
  7. Regional setting and language
  8. Network setup
Connecting type:
  1. wired connection (cable)
  2. wireless connection (Wi-Fi, infrared, blue tooth)
  3. Dial up connection (using telephone)
Protocol: Rules of data transmission over computer network.

Accessibility options:
  1. Add hardware
  2. Add or Remove program
  3. administrate tools
  4. Date and Time
  5. Device manager
  6. Display
  7. folder Options
  8. Fonts
  9. Internet options
  10. Keyboards
  11. Mouse
  12. Network setup wizard
  13. Parental controls
  14. Phone and Modems
  15. Printer and fax
  16. Regional and language option
  17. System
  18. Taskbar and Start menu
  19. User accounts
  20. Windows Firewall
System Tools:
  1. Disk cleanup
  2. Temporary internet files
  3. Downloaded program files
  4. Recycle bin
  5. Temporary files
Manager in Window:

  1. File manager:
  2. Device manager:
  3. Program manager(add/remove program)
  4. Print manager:
Component of dialogue box:
  1. white box/ text box
  2. Combo box/ drop down list
  3. List box:
  4. Option/ ratio button:
  5. Check box:
  6. Spin button:

Monday, March 22, 2021


 DOS (Disk Operating System):

➧ One of the system software that manage the resource and operating (system management).

➧ Single user, single tasking operate on low /less memory.

Types of command:

1. Internal command: The command reside internal memory (RAM), single file, basic operation, source is

  1. ASSOC: Change file extension associations.
  2. CALL: Call one batch program from another.
  3. CD: Change directory - move to a specific folder.
  4. CLS: Clear the screen.
  5. COLOR: Change colors of the CMS windows.
  6. COPY: Copy one or more files to another location.
  7. DATE: Display or set the time.
  8. DEL, ERASE: Delete one or more file.
  9. DIR: display a list of files and folder.
  10. ECHO: display message on screen.
  11. ENDLOCAL : End location of environment changes in a batch file.
  12. EXIT: Quit the current script/ routine and set an error level.
  13. FOR/F: Loop command/ against a set of files
  14. FOR: loop command/ all option files, directory, list.
  15. FTYPE: File extension.
  16. GOTO: Direct a batch program to jump to a labelled line.
  17. IF: Conditionally perform a command
  18. MD: create new folder
  19. MKLINK: create a symbolic link
  20. MOVE: Move file
  21. PATH: Display or set a search path of executable files
  22. PAUSE: suspend processing of a batch file and display a message
  23. POPD: Return to a previous directory saved by PUSHD
  24. PROMPT: Change the command PROMPT
  25. PUSHD: Save and then change the current directory
  26. REM: Record comment (Remarks) in a batch file
  27. REN: Rename a file or folder
  28. RD: Delete folder
  29. SET: Display, set, or remove session environment variables
  30. SETLOGAL: Control the visibility of environment variables
  31. SHIFT: Shift the position of batch file parameters.
  32. TIME: Display or set the system time
  33. TITLE: Set the windows title for a CMD.EXE session
  34. TYPE: Display the contents of text file
  35. VER: Display version information.
  36. VERIFY: Verify that files have been saved
  37. VOL: Display a disk label
  38. :: - comment remarks

2. External command: 

➧ Reside on external memory (hard disk)

➧ All executable files with extensions .com, .exe and .bat are the external command.

List of External command:

  1. Append
  2. Assign
  3. Attrib
  4. Backup
  5. Bootsect
  6. Cacls
  7. Chkdsk
  8. Choice
  9. Comp
  10. Compact
  11. Convert
  12. Debug
  13. Defrag
  14. Deltree
  15. Diskcomp
  16. Diskcopy
  17. Doskey
  18. Dosshell
  19. Edit
  20. Expand
  21. Extract
  22. Fasthelp
  23. Fc
  24. Fdisk
  25. Find
  26. Format
  27. FTP
  28. Help
  29. Ipconfig
  30. Label
  31. Mem
  32. Mode
  33. More
  34. Msav
  35. msbackup
  36. ping
  37. power
  38. print
  39. shutdown
  40. sort
  41. subst
  42. scandisk
  43. sys
  44. tree
  45. undelete
  46. unformat
  47. xcopy
1. CLS: Clear the screen.
2. DATE: to set or display the system date.
    c:\ date
3. TIME: To set or display set or time.
    C:\ time
4. DIR: To list content of disk.
5. dir/p: p is switch. which does the other operation. it display screen file.
6. dir/w: To display content in wide pattern without file detail [] separate the directory.
7. dir/b: List without details and without formatting (bare format) in this command we can't separate file and directory.
8. dir/s: To list content or disk including sub directory
9. dir/o: sorting the list of directory.
10. dir/o:n sorting with descending order
    ❤ Attribute:
    ❤ h=hidden
    ❤ r= rad only
    ❤ s= system
    ❤ d= directory
11. dir/ah: show the hidden file and folder
12. dir/ad: to list directory only
13. dir/?: display the all swithc with dir command
14. help: provide help about any command
15. copy con: to create the text file
16. type: to list content of file
17. ren/rename: to give new name ofr file/folder.
18. scandisk: to fix the disk error to solve minor disk problem
19. mem: to display space of internal memory.
20. Label: To set the label (name and disk)
21. vol: to display volume lable and series of disk
22. ver: to display version of  OS
23. find: to search specific string/ sord into a text file.
24. sort: sorting the content file
25. sys: to transfer the system file from one disk to another disk.
26. tree: to display directory structure and disk ifle.
27. xcopy: to copy file including sub directory except hidden file.
28. diskcomp: to compare to disk
29. diskcopy: it transfer the entire content of one disk to another.
30. fdisk: to create partion on large disk
31. restore: it retrive back the file from compressed file (backup)
32. backup: it copy the file from regular storage to remove ablae storage by compressing file.
33. restore: it retrieve file and data from backup file.
34. defrag: it is used to reduce the number of file which are fragment.
35. break: it break the continues operation
36. DOS key: to record every kestroke/press key and command.
37. F7: to display list of command which are already used.
38. Exit: to return back to windows OS or Exit/goes to windows from dos
39. Edit: to create, modify, a text file
40. recover: it is used to recover the data/file from disk.

Function of operating system (OS)

 Function of operating system:

1. Supervisor of overall operating

2. Support/manage/control the program.

3. Loaded program.

4. manage input/output operating.

5. file management.

6. Interpreter

7. memory management

8. user interface

9. program management

10. disk management (configure, format)

11. resource management

12. Job scheduling (FIFO)

13. Provide plate form for apps

BOOTING: When we start our computer then there is an operation which is performed automatically by the computer which is also called as booting. (जब हामी हाम्रो कम्प्युटर सुरू गर्छौं तब त्यहाँ एउटा अपरेशन हुन्छ जुन स्वचालित रूपमा कम्प्युटरले प्रदर्शन गर्दछ त्यसलाई booting भनिन्छ।

➧ The process of loading operating system/ process of copy the system file in memory from storage device/ ROM.

Types of Booting: Warm and Cold Booting

1. Warm Booting: 

➧ Restart / Press Alt+Ctrl+Del key / reload the OS.

➧ Restart the computer by supply power.

2. Cold Booting:

➧ Press power button/ first time load OS, switch on/off.

ROM BIOS (Read Only Memory Basic Input Output System):

➧ ROM BIOS is program of ROM chip.

➧ Also called micro program.

➧ Stored program in ROM is known as firmware.

Operating System (OS)

 1. Introduction to Operating System:

➤ Set or collection of software program that control/  manage the overall operation of computer system.

➤ OS is software that manages the computer hardware.

➤ coordinate /manage control/ supervisor the computer software and hardware.

Component of OS:

1. Shell (coordinate)

2. Core (kernel) (process)

3. System library

4. System utility

Feature of OS:

➤ Process management

➤ Security

➤ error detection

➤ Command interpretation

➤ provide platform for application

➤ Provide user interface

➤ file management

➤ program management

➤ disk management

➤ resource management

➤ Job scheduling

➤ resolve conflict file

➤ configure hardware

Types of Operating System:

Based on Interface:

1. GUI (Graphical User Interface):

➤ It interact with computer by select any graphical object (folder, file, picture, dialog box.

➤ see/look the graphic, most popular OS.

➤ We use procedure /process E.g. Windows, Linux, Android.

2. CUI (Command User Interface):

➤ It is oldest OS.

➤ User interact with computer by typing command.

➤ It is non-graphical OS.

➤ Not user friendly. E.g. MS DOS, Unix, CP/M

Based on User:

1. Single user OS:

➤ It supports only one user/ individual user at a time.

➤ In one time one user can access the system

➤ E.g. DOS, android

2. Multi user OS:

➤ It supports two or more than two user simultaneously.

➤ It user network (work group)

➤ Most use in mainframe, super computer.

➤ E.g. Unix, Linux, Mac, Windows, NT 2000, XP,, Vista, 7, 8, 10.


Friday, March 19, 2021

Electronic Transaction act 2063

 Electronic Transaction act 2063 (2008): 

यसको बारेमा more details भित्र छ (more details)

➤ Date of Authentication and Publication - 22 Mansir 2063 (December 8, 2006), Act number 27 of the year 2063.

Preamble: WHEREAS, it is expedient to make, legal provisions for authentication and regularization of the recognition, validity, integrity and reliability of generation, production, processing, storage, communication and transmission system of electronic records by making the transactions to be carried out by means of electronic data exchange or by any other means of electronic communications, reliable and secured; And where as, for controlling the acts of unauthorized use of electronic records or of making alteration in such records through the illegal manner, Now, therefore, be it enacted by the House of Representatives in the First Year of the issuance of the Proclamation of the House of Representatives, 2063(2007) . 

Chapter - 1 Preliminary:

1. Short Title, Extension and Commencement: (1) This Act may be called "The Electronic Transactions act,2063 (2008)". (2) This Act shall be deemed to have been commenced from 24 Bhadra 2063 ( sep.2, 2006). (3) This Act shall extend throughout Nepal and shall also apply to any person residing anywhere by committing an offence in contravention to this act.

2. Definitions: Unless the subject or context otherwise requires, in this Act,-

  1. "Asymmetric Crypto System" means a system that creates a secured key-pair consisting of a private key creating a digital signature and a public key to verify the digital signature.
  2. "License"
  3. "Originator"
  4. "Computer
  5. Computer Database
  6. Computer Network
  7. Computer system
  8. Computer Resource
  9. Subscriber
  10. Key Pair
  11. Data
  12. Tribunal
  13. Private Key
  14. Digital signature
  15. Access
  16. Appellate Tribunal
  17. Certificate
  18. Certification Practice statement
  19. Certifying Authority
  20. Addressee
  21. Electronic Record
  22. Electronic Form
  23. Public Key
  24. Information
  25. Information System
  26. Software
  27. Computer Accessory
  28. Government Authority
  29. Public Institution
Chapter - 2 Provisions Relating to Electronic Record and Digital Signature:

3. Authenticity of Electronic Record:
4. Legal Recognition of Electronic record: 
5. Legal Recognition of Digital Signature:
6. Electronic Records to be kept Safely:
7. Electronic Record May Fulfill the Requirement of Submission of any Original Document:
8. Secured Electronic Records:
9. Secured Digital Signature:

Chapter - 3 Provision Relating to Dispatch, Receipt and acknowledgement of Electronic Records:

10. Electronic Record to be Attributed to Originator:
11. Procedure of Receipt and Acknowledgement of Electronic Records:
12. Time and Place Of Dispatch and Receipt of Electronic Record:

Chapter 4. Provisions Relating to controller and certifying Authority:

13. Appointment of the Controller and other Employees:
14. Functions, Duties and Powers of the Controller:
15. License to be Obtained:
16. Application to be submitted for a License:
17. Other Functions and Duties of the Certifying Authority:
18. Procedure of License:
19. Renewal of License:
20. License may be suspended:
21. License may be revoked:
22. Notice of Suspension or revocation of a license:
23. Recognition to Foreign Certifying Authority may be given:
24. The Controller may issue Orders:
25. The Controller may delegate power:
26. The Controller may investigate: 
27. Performance Audit of Certifying Authority:
28. The Controller to have the Access to Computers and data:
29. Record to be maintained:

Chapter-5 Provisions Relating to Digital Signature and Certificates

30. Certifying Authority may issue a Certificate: 
31. Apply to obtain a Certificate:
32. Certificate may be suspended:
33. Certificate may be revoked:
34. Notice of Suspension or Revocation: 

Chapter-6 Functions, Duties and Rights of Subscriber

35. To Generate Key pair:
36. To Accept a Certificate:
37. To retain the private key in a secured manner:
38. To Deposit the Private Key to the Controller:

Chapter-7 Electronic Record and Government use of Digital Signature 

39. Government Documents may be published in electronic form: 
40. To Accept the Document in Electronic Form:
41. Use of Digital Signature in Government Offices:
Chapter –8 Provisions Relating to Network Service

42. Liability of Network Service Providers:
43. Network Service Provider not to be Liable:

Chapter -9 Offence Relating To Computer 

44. To Pirate, Destroy or Alter computer source code: 
45. Unauthorized Access in Computer Materials:
46. Damage to any Computer and Information System:
47. Publication of illegal materials in electronic form: 
48. Confidentiality to Divulge:
49. To inform False statement:  
50. Submission or Display of False License or Certificates:
51. Non-submission of Prescribed Statements or Documents:
52. To commit computer fraud: 
53. Abetment to commit computer related offence:
54. Punishment to the Accomplice:
55. Punishment in an offence committed outside Nepal:
56. Confiscation:
57. Offences Committed by a corporate body:
58. Other Punishment:
59. No Hindrance to Punish Under the Laws prevailing: 

Chapter-10 Provisions Relating to Information Technology Tribunal

60. Constitution of a Tribunal:
61. Qualification of the Member of the Tribunal:
62. Terms of office, remuneration and conditions of service of the Member of Tribunal:
63. Circumstances under which office shall be fallen vacant and filling up of vacancy: 
64. Staff of the Tribunal:
65. Procedures to be followed by the Tribunal:

Chapter-11 Provisions Relating to Information Technology Appellate Tribunal 

66. Establishment and formation of the Appellate Tribunal:
67. Qualification of the Member of Appellate Tribunal:
68. Terms of Office, Remuneration and Terms & Conditions of the service of the Member of                 Appellate Tribunal:
 69. Conditions of Vacancy of Office and filling up of such Vacancy:
70. Staff of the Appellate Tribunal:
71. Procedures to be followed by the Appellate Tribunal:

Chapter-12 Miscellaneous:

72. Provision may be made by an Agreement:
73. Government of Nepal may issue Directives:
74. Time Limitation to file a Complaint:
75. Government of Nepal to be a Plaintiff:
76. Compensation to be Recovered:
77. This Act shall not Apply:
78. Power to Frame Rules:
79. To Frame and Enforce the Directives:
80. Effect of inoperativeness of The Electronic Transactions Ordinance, 2063 (2008):

IT Policy Of Nepal

 ICT Policy,2072: यसको बारेमा more details भित्र छ ( More Details)

➤ National Information and communication Technology Policy 2072 (2015).

Past Policy endeavors:

➤ National communication policy in 1992.

➤ Telecommunications Act and Regulation in 1997.

➤ Information Technology Policy (IT Policy) announced in the year 2000.

➤ The IT Policy has since been revised in 2010.

➤ The formation of draft broadband policy in the year 2014.


Cellular telephony in particular has registered impressive uptake as evidenced by its sustained growth trajectory over the past few years with current penetration rate crossing well over 90 %. (विशेष गरी सेलुलर टेलिफोनीले विगत केही वर्षहरूमा यसको निरन्तर वृद्धि प्रवेगबाट प्रमाणित गरेको छ कि वर्तमान प्रवेश दर rate 90 % भन्दा बढि पार गरीरहेको छ।)

A fourth Kathmandu - Hetauda backbone is available through Nepal Electricity Authority which has now commenced hauling optic fiber cable with the roll out of high power electrical lines feeding into these backbones to expand telecommunications /ICT access to locations at the extremities of commercial broadband coverage. (चौथो काठमाडौं - हेटौंडा बैकबोन नेपाल विद्युत् प्राधिकरण मार्फत उपलब्ध छ जसले टेलिकम्युनिकेसन / आईसीटी पहुँच विस्तार गर्न वाणिज्य ब्रोडब्यान्ड कभरेजको स्थानमा विस्तार गर्नका लागि यी बैकबोनहरूमा उच्च शक्ति विद्युतीय लाइनहरूको रोल आउटसहित अप्टिक फाइबर केबल निकाल्ने काम सुरु गरिसकेको छ।)

Goals of ICT Policy:

At least 75 percent of the population will have digital literacy skills by the end of 2020.

90 percent of the population will be able to access the broadband service.

At least 7.5 % of GDP by 2020.

80% of all citizen facing government services would be offered online by 2020.

A broadband internet user penetration rate of 30% at a minimum of 512 KBPS and making available at least 10 Mbps download speed on demand in urban areas by 2018.


To transform Nepal into an information and knowledge based society and economy. (नेपाललाई सूचना र ज्ञानमा आधारित समाज र अर्थव्यवस्थामा रूपान्तरण गर्ने।)


To create conditions for the intensified development and growth of ICT sector as a key driver for Nepal's sustainable development and poverty reduction strategies. (नेपालको दिगो विकास र गरीबी निवारण रणनीतिको प्रमुख चालकको रूपमा आईसीटी क्षेत्रको तीव्र विकास र बृद्धिका लागि सर्तहरू सिर्जना गर्ने।)

Objectives of National ICT Policy:

To empower and facilitate Nepal's participation in the Global knowledge based society. (विश्वव्यापी ज्ञान आधारित समाजमा नेपालको सहभागिताको सशक्तीकरण र सहजीकरण गर्न।)

To promote ICT to further productivity among the sectors that is key drivers of the national economy. (राष्ट्रिय अर्थतन्त्रको प्रमुख चालक क्षेत्रहरू बीच आईसीटी बढि उत्पादकत्वको प्रबर्धन गर्ने।)

To conserve natural resources and safeguard Nepal's heritage using ICT tools. (आईसीटी उपकरण प्रयोग गरी प्राकृतिक स्रोत संरक्षण र नेपालको सम्पदाको रक्षा गर्न।)

List of Acronyms:

➤ ADSL = Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

➤ EMF = Electro Magnetic Fields

➤ FTTH = Fiber to the home

➤ GNI = Gross National Income

➤ ICNIRP = International Commission on Nonionizing Radiation Protection

➤ IXP = Internet Exchange Points

➤ LAPA = Local Adaption Plan of Action

➤ NCERT = Nepal Computer Emergency Response Team

➤ NDLI = National Digital Literacy Initiative

➤ QoS = Quality of Service

➤ RTDF = Rural Telecommunications Development Fund

➤ ITES = IT- enable service

➤ BPO = Business Process Outsourcing

➤ NITS = Nepal Trade 

ASCII and Unicode Standards

 Introduction to ASCII and Unicode Standards:

ASCII means American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
➤ ASCII is a character encoding standard for electronic communication.
➤ ASCII codes represent text in computers, telecommunications equipment and other devices.
➤ It uses the 7 bit code.
➤ It support 128 bit.
➤ Latest  8 bit ASCII support the 256 characters.

EBCDIC means Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange.
EBCDIC is an 8 bit character encoding used mainly on IBM mainframe and IBM mid range computer operating systems.
➤ It used the 8 bit code.
➤ It represents the 256 characters.


➤ The Unicode standard is a character coding system designed to support the worldwide interchange, processing and display of the written texts of the diverse language and technical disciplines of the modern worlds. (युनिकोड मानक एक चरित्र कोडिंग प्रणाली हो जुन विश्वव्यापी ईन्टरचेन्ज, प्रोसेसिंग र आधुनिक भाषाहरूको विविध भाषा र प्राविधिक विषयहरूको लिखित ग्रन्थहरूको प्रदर्शन समर्थन गर्दछ।)
➤ It supports 64000 Characters.

Nepali Unicode Keyboard layouts:

Two type of Nepali keyboard layouts are available till date Traditional and Romanized layout.

1. Traditional layouts: Traditional layout is designed for true Font (TTF) like, Preeti, Kantipur etc.)

2. Romanized Layout: It is translation of the Nepali using English character. E.g. Aa(आ), ba(ब),Nepali(नेपाली).

Computer number system (computer fundamental)

 Number System: The symbol which is used to measure quantity/ count the specific value that is number system.

1. Binary number system: 
➤ A number system that uses two different symbols (0,1) to measure quantity.
➤ It's base is 2
➤ Total number (0,1), used by computer
➤ It is also called machine language.

2. Octal number system:
➤ It is used Eight different number (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7), base is 8

3. Decimal number system:
➤ Use 10 distinct symbols (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), base is 10

4. Hexadecimal number system:
➤ The number which include number and alphabet both.
➤ It is used 0-9, and A-F symbol,16 symbols, (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F)

Logic Gate:

➤ Logic gate are the basic building block of any digital system.
➤ Electronic circuit has more than one input and only output.
➤ It is used in CPU (ALU)
Types of logic gates:
1. OR gate: It take two or more input and give one output and produce false result when all input are false otherwise result always true. A+B=AB, (0+0=0, 0+1=1, 1+0=1, 1+1=1).

2. AND gate: 
➤ Take more input and produce one output.
➤ It works the multiply function .e.g. A*B=C, (0*0=0, 0*1=0, 1*0=0, 1*1=1)

3. NOT gate: 
➤ The not gate is circuit that work as inverter.
➤ It has one input signal.
➤ input/output (0=1,1=0).

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Computer Networking (Computer Fundamental)

1. Introduction of Networking:

A set /group of distributed intelligence machine that share data/information/communication through any /line cable without cable that is called network. (वितरित खुफिया मेशिनको सेट / समूह जसले डेटा / जानकारी / सञ्चार साझेदारी गर्दछ कुनै पनि / लाइन केबल मार्फत, केबल बिना नेटवर्क भनिन्छ।)

Types of Network:

LAN (Local Area Network): A computer network spanned inside a building and operated under the single administrator system that is local area network. (एक कम्प्युटर नेटवर्क भवन भित्र फ्याँकिएको छ र एकल प्रशासक प्रणाली अन्तर्गत सञ्चालन हुन्छ जुन स्थानीय क्षेत्र नेटवर्क हो।)

➤ MAN (Metropolitan Area Network): The network that interconnected user with cable in geographical area of nay one region to another region/ city that is called Metropolitan area network. (नेटवर्क जुन प्रयोगकर्तालाई नाभिको एक भौगोलिक क्षेत्रमा अर्को क्षेत्र / शहरमा केबलको साथ जोड्दछ जुन मेट्रोपोलिटन क्षेत्र नेटवर्क भनिन्छ।)

➤ WAN (Wide Area Network): A wide area network such as which span a large geographical area such as one country to another country. It uses satellite technology. (विस्तृत क्षेत्र नेटवर्क जस्तै: ठूलो भौगोलिक क्षेत्र जसरी एउटा देशबाट अर्को देशमा विस्तार हुन्छ। यसले उपग्रह प्रविधि प्रयोग गर्दछ।)

2. E-mail/Internet/Intranet/Extranet/WWW:

E-mail: A services which allow us to send and receive element massage over the internet. E-mail called electronic mail. (एक सेवा जसले हामीलाई इन्टरनेटमा एलिमेन्ट message पठाउन र प्राप्त गर्न अनुमति दिँदछ। इ-मेललाई इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मेल भनिन्छ।)

E-mail Address: Each e-mail is signed a unique name for his e-mail account this name is known a E-mail address. Each user have different e-mail address which not match anyone. E-mail name are not allowed space and capital latter. E.g. (प्रत्येक इ-मेलमा आफ्नो ई-मेल खाताको लागि एक अद्वितीय नाममा हस्ताक्षर हुन्छ जुन यो नामलाई इ-मेल ठेगाना भनेर चिनिन्छ। प्रत्येक प्रयोगकर्तासँग फरक ईमेल ठेगाना हुन्छ जुन कसैसँग मेल खाँदैन। इ-मेल नाम खाली ठाउँ र ठूला अक्षर पछि अनुमति छैन।)

Internet: Internet is a worldwide network that contain vast collection of information and resource available to your computer. It is network of network. (इन्टर्नेट एक विश्वव्यापी नेटवर्क हो जुन तपाईंको कम्प्युटरमा उपलब्ध जानकारी र संसाधनहरूको विशाल संग्रह हुन्छ। यो नेटवर्क को नेटवर्क हो।)

Intranet: Intranet is a private network (LAN) for use by user in network. This is network that is not available to the world outside of the internet. Limited user of Company. It is own server and firewall. (इन्ट्रानेट एक निजी नेटवर्क (LAN) नेटवर्कमा प्रयोगकर्ता द्वारा प्रयोगको लागि हो। यो नेटवर्क हो जुन ईन्टरनेट बाहिरको संसारमा उपलब्ध छैन। कम्पनीको सीमित उपयोगकर्ता। यो आफ्नै सर्वर र फायरवाल हो।)

Extranet: This refers to network within an organization  using internet to connect the outside in controlled. It is opener firm supplier and customer. (यसले बाह्य नियन्त्रित जडान गर्न इन्टरनेट प्रयोग गर्ने संस्था भित्रको नेटवर्क बुझाउँछ। यो ओपनर फर्म आपूर्तिकर्ता र ग्राहक हो।)

Internet browsers:

Web browser: The software is used to access internet. Internet client software designed for to access retrieve and view document/information on the internet/website. (सफ्टवेयर इन्टरनेट पहुँच गर्न प्रयोग गरीन्छ। इन्टरनेट ग्राहक सफ्टवेयर पुन: प्राप्ति गर्न र इन्टरनेट / वेबसाइट मा कागजात / जानकारी हेर्नका लागि डिजाइन गरिएको।) E.g. Mosaic, Microsoft edge, Internet explorer, opera, Mozilla, safari, google chrome, Netscape, lynx.

Search engine: The search engine a tool to locate /find /search information or resource in website /internet which can search the link file page on internet. (खोजी इन्जिन एक उपकरण खोज्न / खोज जानकारी वा स्रोत / वेबसाइट / इन्टरनेटमा श्रोत जसले इन्टरनेटमा लिंक फाइल पृष्ठ खोजी गर्न सक्छ।)
E.g.,,,,,,,, etc.

E-mail server: A mail server is a computer system that sends and receives email. E.G.,,,

IP Address: 
➤ An IP address is unique address of particular computer other network devices on particular network. 
➤ It is part of internet. 
➤ Identifier of computer /devices on TCP/IP network.
➤ Protocols are based on IP address.
➤ Internet IP address 32 bit (4 bytes) long.
➤ The IP address is unique set of group (8 bit).
➤ E.g.

Subnet mask: 
➤ 32 bit logical organization.
➤ A subnet mask is a number that defines a range of IP address available within a network.
➤ Communication of network address and host address.
➤ E.g.

Network Media: Network transmission device connect/provide data and receive data/information that media is called transmission media.
1. Guided media: A computer that is connected with another with cable physical media that is called guided media media/bound cable transmission media.

types of guided media:
1. Twisted pair cable:
➤  A twisted pair cable is mode of two plastic insulated copper wire twisted together form a single media.
➤ Set up 4 pair = 8 wire
➤ connecter media RJ-45 connecter
➤ Used in LAN (maximum)
➤ Reduced noise.

2. Cereal cable: 
➤ Coaxial cabling has a single copper conductor at its center.
➤ The coaxial cable has high frequency than twisted pair cable.
➤ It has 450 MBPS bandwidth
➤ RG-59(TV), RG-58 (thin Ethernet)
➤ RG 11 (Thick Ethernet)
➤ Coaxial cable use the BNC connecter and T connecter.

3. Fiber optical cable: 
➤ A cable with central glass tube cupper with protect shield which transmit data using photos is fiber optical cable.
➤ It works on the laser beam (light technology)
➤ It made with high quality glass and plastic.
➤ Fastest cable media (technology)
➤ Electromagnetic technology
➤ 200 MBPS - 26 km- Speed
➤ Fiber optic cable are two types: Single mode and Multimode.
Connector: SC, ST, MT, RJ, un-direction, bi-direction both
1. Unguided media:
    ➤ The media is used to connect computer without cable and without any physical media.
    ➤ wireless media

Types of unguided media:
Infra - Red: It is allow computing device to communicate via-short range wireless signal, infra-ray, bidirectional, speed 1-2 MBPS E.g. TV- Remote

➤ Radio wave: The electro-magnetic radiation of frequency ranging from 30 KHZ - 300 GHZ through air. It connect similar/state line one transmitter from another E.g. mobile network tower.

➤ Microwave: It transmits data in same/similar/ particular device/ station. It space larger than radio wave. 1 GHZ - 30 GHZ speed, it transmit data by antenna E.g. Dish home.
➤ Wi-Fi: Popular Technology to exchange data /computer networking internet connect. Used in radio wave.

Network Architecture:

➤ Two or more computer are connected to established communication in network that are a physical connection that is called network architecture. (दुई वा अधिक कम्प्युटरहरू नेटवर्कमा स्थापित संचारमा जडित छन् जुन एक भौतिक जडान हो जसलाई नेटवर्क आर्किटेक्चर भनिन्छ।)

Types of Architecture:
➤  OSI (Open System Interconnection): It is most popular communication system, OSI developed by ISO company, It has 7 Layer (Application layer, Presentation layer, Session layer, Transport layer, network layer, data link layer, physical layer)
➤ IBM Network: Computer networking architecture which developed by IBM, It used the protocol, it created the set of rule for transfer data.

Network Model:

1. Client server network model:
    ➤ This model one server computer and many client computers connected, server is more powerful which star whole data and authority.

2. Peer to Peer network model:
    ➤ It has more computer but all are powerful and similar. It has no server work both client and server operations.

 Network Topology:

➤ It is used in LAN technology.
➤ It is also called physical arrangement of computer in network.

Types of Topology: more details

1. Bus Topology: 
    ➤ Bus network is topology is contains many computer with in single line/cable. Cable not used more than other Topology.

2. Ring Topology: Each device or computer is connected one to another computer in the shape of closed loop (ring).
3. Star Topology: It network used the any devices (Hub/Switch) in central point of computer.

4. Tree Topology: The various terminal and computer are link/connect to a main computer/server in network.

5. Hybrid Topology: It is portly combination of star and bus with ring topology.

6. Mesh Topology: This network all point/ node are connected each other all computer not depended one computer

Communication Mode:

1. Simplex: It transmit data one way one side. (यसले डाटा एक तर एक तर्फ प्रसारित गर्दछ।)

2. Half duplex: It transmit data both side /two way but in one time can't it transmit one time one way. (यसले दुबै पक्ष / दुई तर्फ डाटा प्रसारण गर्दछ तर एक पटकमा यसले एक पटक एक पटक प्रसारित गर्न सक्दैन।)

3. Full duplex: A system transmit data simultaneously both direction over channel. Transmit data two way say in same time. (एक प्रणाली डाटा एक साथ दुबै दिशामा च्यानल प्रसारण गर्दछ। डाटा प्रसारण दुई तरीकाले एकै समयमा भन्नुहोस्।)


➤ A firewall is hardware or software that helps control the spread of malicious software on your network and helps to protect your devices when you use the internet. (फायरवाल हार्डवेयर वा सफ्टवेयर हो जुन तपाईंको नेटवर्कमा मालिसियस सफ्टवेयरको प्रसारलाई नियन्त्रण गर्न मद्दत गर्दछ र जब तपाईं इन्टरनेट प्रयोग गर्नुहुन्छ तपाईंको उपकरणहरूको सुरक्षा गर्न मद्दत गर्दछ।)

Dial-Up Networking:

➤ The DUN connects the system to the ISP, which than provides the system a certain IP address and internet gateway address to be connected to and be a part of the network. (DUN ले प्रणालीलाई ISP मा जोड्दछ, जसले प्रणालीलाई जडान हुन र नेटवर्कको एक हिस्सा हुन एक निश्चित IP ठेगाना र इन्टरनेट गेटवे ठेगाना प्रदान गर्दछ।)

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