DOS (Disk Operating System):
➧ One of the system software that manage the resource and operating (system management).
➧ Single user, single tasking operate on low /less memory.
Types of command:
1. Internal command: The command reside internal memory (RAM), single file, basic operation, source is
- ASSOC: Change file extension associations.
- CALL: Call one batch program from another.
- CD: Change directory - move to a specific folder.
- CLS: Clear the screen.
- COLOR: Change colors of the CMS windows.
- COPY: Copy one or more files to another location.
- DATE: Display or set the time.
- DEL, ERASE: Delete one or more file.
- DIR: display a list of files and folder.
- ECHO: display message on screen.
- ENDLOCAL : End location of environment changes in a batch file.
- EXIT: Quit the current script/ routine and set an error level.
- FOR/F: Loop command/ against a set of files
- FOR: loop command/ all option files, directory, list.
- FTYPE: File extension.
- GOTO: Direct a batch program to jump to a labelled line.
- IF: Conditionally perform a command
- MD: create new folder
- MKLINK: create a symbolic link
- MOVE: Move file
- PATH: Display or set a search path of executable files
- PAUSE: suspend processing of a batch file and display a message
- POPD: Return to a previous directory saved by PUSHD
- PROMPT: Change the command PROMPT
- PUSHD: Save and then change the current directory
- REM: Record comment (Remarks) in a batch file
- REN: Rename a file or folder
- RD: Delete folder
- SET: Display, set, or remove session environment variables
- SETLOGAL: Control the visibility of environment variables
- SHIFT: Shift the position of batch file parameters.
- TIME: Display or set the system time
- TITLE: Set the windows title for a CMD.EXE session
- TYPE: Display the contents of text file
- VER: Display version information.
- VERIFY: Verify that files have been saved
- VOL: Display a disk label
- :: - comment remarks
2. External command:
➧ Reside on external memory (hard disk)
➧ All executable files with extensions .com, .exe and .bat are the external command.
List of External command:
- Append
- Assign
- Attrib
- Backup
- Bootsect
- Cacls
- Chkdsk
- Choice
- Comp
- Compact
- Convert
- Debug
- Defrag
- Deltree
- Diskcomp
- Diskcopy
- Doskey
- Dosshell
- Edit
- Expand
- Extract
- Fasthelp
- Fc
- Fdisk
- Find
- Format
- Help
- Ipconfig
- Label
- Mem
- Mode
- More
- Msav
- msbackup
- ping
- power
- shutdown
- sort
- subst
- scandisk
- sys
- tree
- undelete
- unformat
- xcopy
1. CLS: Clear the screen.
2. DATE: to set or display the system date.
c:\ date
3. TIME: To set or display set or time.
C:\ time
4. DIR: To list content of disk.
5. dir/p: p is switch. which does the other operation. it display screen file.
6. dir/w: To display content in wide pattern without file detail [] separate the directory.
7. dir/b: List without details and without formatting (bare format) in this command we can't separate file and directory.
8. dir/s: To list content or disk including sub directory
9. dir/o: sorting the list of directory.
10. dir/o:n sorting with descending order
❤ Attribute:
❤ h=hidden
❤ r= rad only
❤ s= system
❤ d= directory
11. dir/ah: show the hidden file and folder
12. dir/ad: to list directory only
13. dir/?: display the all swithc with dir command
14. help: provide help about any command
15. copy con: to create the text file
16. type: to list content of file
17. ren/rename: to give new name ofr file/folder.
18. scandisk: to fix the disk error to solve minor disk problem
19. mem: to display space of internal memory.
20. Label: To set the label (name and disk)
21. vol: to display volume lable and series of disk
22. ver: to display version of OS
23. find: to search specific string/ sord into a text file.
24. sort: sorting the content file
25. sys: to transfer the system file from one disk to another disk.
26. tree: to display directory structure and disk ifle.
27. xcopy: to copy file including sub directory except hidden file.
28. diskcomp: to compare to disk
29. diskcopy: it transfer the entire content of one disk to another.
30. fdisk: to create partion on large disk
31. restore: it retrive back the file from compressed file (backup)
32. backup: it copy the file from regular storage to remove ablae storage by compressing file.
33. restore: it retrieve file and data from backup file.
34. defrag: it is used to reduce the number of file which are fragment.
35. break: it break the continues operation
36. DOS key: to record every kestroke/press key and command.
37. F7: to display list of command which are already used.
38. Exit: to return back to windows OS or Exit/goes to windows from dos
39. Edit: to create, modify, a text file
40. recover: it is used to recover the data/file from disk.
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