Monday, March 22, 2021


 DOS (Disk Operating System):

➧ One of the system software that manage the resource and operating (system management).

➧ Single user, single tasking operate on low /less memory.

Types of command:

1. Internal command: The command reside internal memory (RAM), single file, basic operation, source is

  1. ASSOC: Change file extension associations.
  2. CALL: Call one batch program from another.
  3. CD: Change directory - move to a specific folder.
  4. CLS: Clear the screen.
  5. COLOR: Change colors of the CMS windows.
  6. COPY: Copy one or more files to another location.
  7. DATE: Display or set the time.
  8. DEL, ERASE: Delete one or more file.
  9. DIR: display a list of files and folder.
  10. ECHO: display message on screen.
  11. ENDLOCAL : End location of environment changes in a batch file.
  12. EXIT: Quit the current script/ routine and set an error level.
  13. FOR/F: Loop command/ against a set of files
  14. FOR: loop command/ all option files, directory, list.
  15. FTYPE: File extension.
  16. GOTO: Direct a batch program to jump to a labelled line.
  17. IF: Conditionally perform a command
  18. MD: create new folder
  19. MKLINK: create a symbolic link
  20. MOVE: Move file
  21. PATH: Display or set a search path of executable files
  22. PAUSE: suspend processing of a batch file and display a message
  23. POPD: Return to a previous directory saved by PUSHD
  24. PROMPT: Change the command PROMPT
  25. PUSHD: Save and then change the current directory
  26. REM: Record comment (Remarks) in a batch file
  27. REN: Rename a file or folder
  28. RD: Delete folder
  29. SET: Display, set, or remove session environment variables
  30. SETLOGAL: Control the visibility of environment variables
  31. SHIFT: Shift the position of batch file parameters.
  32. TIME: Display or set the system time
  33. TITLE: Set the windows title for a CMD.EXE session
  34. TYPE: Display the contents of text file
  35. VER: Display version information.
  36. VERIFY: Verify that files have been saved
  37. VOL: Display a disk label
  38. :: - comment remarks

2. External command: 

➧ Reside on external memory (hard disk)

➧ All executable files with extensions .com, .exe and .bat are the external command.

List of External command:

  1. Append
  2. Assign
  3. Attrib
  4. Backup
  5. Bootsect
  6. Cacls
  7. Chkdsk
  8. Choice
  9. Comp
  10. Compact
  11. Convert
  12. Debug
  13. Defrag
  14. Deltree
  15. Diskcomp
  16. Diskcopy
  17. Doskey
  18. Dosshell
  19. Edit
  20. Expand
  21. Extract
  22. Fasthelp
  23. Fc
  24. Fdisk
  25. Find
  26. Format
  27. FTP
  28. Help
  29. Ipconfig
  30. Label
  31. Mem
  32. Mode
  33. More
  34. Msav
  35. msbackup
  36. ping
  37. power
  38. print
  39. shutdown
  40. sort
  41. subst
  42. scandisk
  43. sys
  44. tree
  45. undelete
  46. unformat
  47. xcopy
1. CLS: Clear the screen.
2. DATE: to set or display the system date.
    c:\ date
3. TIME: To set or display set or time.
    C:\ time
4. DIR: To list content of disk.
5. dir/p: p is switch. which does the other operation. it display screen file.
6. dir/w: To display content in wide pattern without file detail [] separate the directory.
7. dir/b: List without details and without formatting (bare format) in this command we can't separate file and directory.
8. dir/s: To list content or disk including sub directory
9. dir/o: sorting the list of directory.
10. dir/o:n sorting with descending order
    ❤ Attribute:
    ❤ h=hidden
    ❤ r= rad only
    ❤ s= system
    ❤ d= directory
11. dir/ah: show the hidden file and folder
12. dir/ad: to list directory only
13. dir/?: display the all swithc with dir command
14. help: provide help about any command
15. copy con: to create the text file
16. type: to list content of file
17. ren/rename: to give new name ofr file/folder.
18. scandisk: to fix the disk error to solve minor disk problem
19. mem: to display space of internal memory.
20. Label: To set the label (name and disk)
21. vol: to display volume lable and series of disk
22. ver: to display version of  OS
23. find: to search specific string/ sord into a text file.
24. sort: sorting the content file
25. sys: to transfer the system file from one disk to another disk.
26. tree: to display directory structure and disk ifle.
27. xcopy: to copy file including sub directory except hidden file.
28. diskcomp: to compare to disk
29. diskcopy: it transfer the entire content of one disk to another.
30. fdisk: to create partion on large disk
31. restore: it retrive back the file from compressed file (backup)
32. backup: it copy the file from regular storage to remove ablae storage by compressing file.
33. restore: it retrieve file and data from backup file.
34. defrag: it is used to reduce the number of file which are fragment.
35. break: it break the continues operation
36. DOS key: to record every kestroke/press key and command.
37. F7: to display list of command which are already used.
38. Exit: to return back to windows OS or Exit/goes to windows from dos
39. Edit: to create, modify, a text file
40. recover: it is used to recover the data/file from disk.

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