Monday, March 29, 2021

Microsoft Excel

Limitation of Excel:

  1. Maximum number of Row: 65,536(office 2003) and 1048576(office 2007)
  2. Maximum number of column: 256 (office 2003) and 16384(office 2007)
  3. Maximum column width: 0 to 255 Characters
  4. Maximum Row height 0 to 409 points
  5. Maximum length of cell contents (text): 32,000 characters
  6. Maximum length of formula contents: 1024 characters
  7. Maximum number of sheets in book: Default 3 and up to 255 sheets while creating new book.
  8. Maximum number of iteration: 32767
  9. Maximum size of worksheet arrays: 6553 elements
  10. Maximum number of scenarios: Up to 251 scenarios
  11. Maximum number of changing cells in a scenario: 32
  12. Maximum number of named views in a workbook: up to 256 views
  13. Maximum number of adjustable cells in solver: 200
  14. Number precision: 15 digits
  15. Large allowed positive numbers: 9.99E307
  16. Smallest allowed negative number: -9.99E307
  17. Smallest allowed positive number: 1E-307
  18. Largest allowed negative number: -1E-307
  19. Maximum number of Iterations: 32,767
  20. Maximum number of colors in a work book: 56
  21. Maximum number of cell style in a work book: 4000
  22. Maximum number of selected range: 2048
  23. Maximum number of argument in a function: 30
  24. Maximum number of nested level of function: 7
  25.  Number of available work sheet function: 329
  26. Maximum number of panes in a window: 4
  27. Zoom range: 10% to 400%
  28. Maximum number of undo levels: 16 (Defaults)
  29. Maximum number of fields in a data form: 32
  30. Earliest date allowed for calculation: January 1, 1900
  31. Latest date allowed for calculation: December 31, 9999
  32. Maximum number of page fields in a Pivot table: 256
  33. Maximum number of worksheets referred to by a chart: 256
  34. Maximum number data series in one chart: 255
  35. Maximum number of line weights: 4
  36. Maximum number of area patterns: 18
  37. Total area pattern and color combinations (color display: 56448
  38. Maximum number of pattern and color combinations (color printer): 56,448
  39. Maximum number of users who can open and share a shared workbook at one time: 256
  40. Maximum number cells that can be highlighted: 32,767
  41. Maximum number of colors: 32 colors
List of 2007 Menus:

  1. Home Tab: Clipboard(Cut, Copy, Copy Format, Paste), Font(Font, Font size, Increase font, Decrease font, Bold, Italic, Underline, Boarder, Fill color, Text color), Alignment(Top align, Middle align, Bottom align, Orientation, Decrease indent, Increase indent, Wrap Text, Merge and Center), Number(General, Accounting number format, percentage style, comma style, increase decimal, decrease decimal), Style(Conditional formatting, format as table, Cell Style), Cells(Insert, Delete, Format), Editing(AutoSum, Fill, Clear, Sorting and filter, Find and select, replace, go to)
  2. Insert Tab: Tables(PivotTable, Table), Illustration(Pictures, Clipart, Shapes, SmartArt), Chart(Column, line, Pie, Bar, Area, Scatter (X Y), Other chart(Stock, Surface, Doughnut, Bubble, Radar), Links(Hyperlink), Text(Text box, Header and footer, Word art, Signature line, Object Symbol)
  3. Page Layout: Thames (Thames, colors, fonts, Effects), Page Setup(Size, print area, break, background, print areas), Scale to fit( width, Height, Scale), Sheet options(Gridlines,(view, print,), Heading(view, print), Arrange(Bring to front, send to back, selection pane, align, group, rotate) 
  4. Formula: Function Library(insert function, AutoSum, Recently used, Financial, Logical, Text, date and time, math and trig, Lookup and reference, More functions (statistical, Engineering, cube, Information), Defined names( Name manager, define name, use in formula, create from section), Formula auditing(Trace precedents, trace dependents, remove arrows show formula, error checking, evaluate formula, watch window), Calculation(calculation options calculate now, calculate sheet)
  5. Data: Get external data(From access, from web, from text, from other sources, from xml data import, from data connection, wizard, from Microsoft query), Connections(Refresh all, connections, properties, edit links), Sort( sort, filter, clear, reapply, advance), Data tools( Text to column, remove duplicate, data validation, consolidation, what if analysis, goal seek, data table), Outline(Group, ungroup, subtotal, show details, hide details).
  6. Review: Proofing(spelling, research, thesaurus, translate), comments(new comment, delete, previous, next, show/hide comment, show all comments, show ink), Changes(Protect sheet, protect workbook, share workbook, protect and share work book, allow users to to edit range, track changes
  7. View: Work book views(normal, page layout, page break preview, custom view, full screen), Show/hide(ruler, gridlines, message bar, formula bar, heading), Zoom(Zoom 100%, Zoom to selection), Window(new window, arrange all, freeze panes, split, hide, unhide, view slide by slide, synchronous scrolling, reset window position, save workspace, switch windows), Macros(macros, view macros, record macros, user relative references
  8. Format Tab: Adjust(brightness, contrast, recolor, compress picture, change picture), Picture style(picture shape, picture border, picture effect), Arrange(Position Bring to font, send to back, text wrapping, align, group, rotate), size(crop, height, weight), Insert shapes(edit shapes, add text), shape style (shape fill, shape outline, change shape), show effects (shadow effect, shadow position), 3-D Effects(3-D effect, 3-D position), Arrange(position, bring to front, send to back, text wrapping, align, group, ungroup, regroup, rotate, size( height, weight).
  9. Design(when chart is selected) Type(change chart type, save as template), Data(switch row/column, select data), chart layouts(chart layouts), Chart styles(Chart styles), location(Move chart)
  10. Layout ( when chart is selected) Current selection(format selection, reset to match style), insert (picture shape, text box), labels(chart title, axis titles, legend, data labels, data table), Axes(Axes, primary horizontal axes, primary vertical axes, gridlines, primary horizontal line, primary vertical gridlines), background(Plot area, chart wall, chart floor, 3-D rotation), Analysis(Trendline, lines, up/down bars), Properties( Chart name)

MS Excel Keyboard Short-cuts:
  1. Ctrl + A - selects all contents of the worksheet.
  2. Ctrl + K - Inserts link.
  3. Ctrl + 1 - changes the format of selected cells, format cell dialog box.
  4. Ctrl + B or 2 - Bold
  5. Ctrl + I or 3 - Italic
  6. Ctrl + U or 4 - Underline
  7. Ctrl + 5 - Strikethrough the highlight selection.
  8. Ctrl + 9 - Row hide
  9. Ctrl + 0 - column hide
  10. Ctrl + P - print
  11. Ctrl + F9 - minimize the current window
  12. Ctrl + F10 - maximize selected window
  13. Ctrl + F6 - switch between open workbooks or windows
  14. Alt + = - creates a formula to sum all of the above cells.
  15. Ctrl + 'inserts the values of the above cell into cell currently selected.
  16. Ctrl + Shift + ! - format the number in comma format.
  17. Ctrl + Shift + $ - formats the number in current formats.
  18. Ctrl + Shift + # - date formats.
  19. Ctrl + Shift + % - percentage format.
  20. Ctrl + Shift + ^ - scientific formats.
  21. Ctrl + Shift + @ - Time formats.
  22. Ctrl + Arrow key - move to the next section of the text.
  23. Ctrl + Space - select the entry column.
  24. Shift + Space - select the entry row
  25. Ctrl + Shift + - - deletes the selected column or row.
  26. Ctrl + Shift + = - inserts a new column or row.
  27. Ctrl + Home - Moves to cell A1.
  28. Ctrl + ~ - switch between showing Excel formulas or their values in cells.
  29. F2 - Edits the selected cell.
  30. F3 - After a name has been created F3 will paste names.
  31. F4 - Repeat last action.
  32. F5 - Goes to a specific cell
  33. F7 - Spell checks the selected text or document
  34. F11 - Creates chart from the selected data.
  35. Ctrl + Shift + ; - Enters the current time.
  36. Ctrl + ; - Enter the current date.
  37. Alt + Shift + F1 - Inserts the new worksheets
  38. Alt + Enter - move to the next line allowing for multiple lines of text in one cell.
  39. Shift +F3 - Opens the Excel formula window.
  40. Shift +F5 - Brings up the search box.
Shortcuts keys:
  1. Ctrl + W - close a workbook.
  2. Ctrl + O - Open a workbook.
  3. Alt + H - Go to the Home Tab.
  4. Ctrl + S - save a work book
  5. Ctrl+ C - copy
  6. Ctrl + V - Paste
  7. Ctrl + Z - Undo
  8. Delete - Removes cell contents.
  9. Alt + H,H -  choose a fill color
  10. Ctrl + X - Cut
  11. Alt + N - Go to Insert Tab.
  12. Ctrl + B - Bold
  13. Alt + H,A,C - center align
  14. Alt + P - Page layout Tab
  15. Alt + A - Date Tab
  16. Alt + W - View Tab
  17. Alt + H,B - Add borders.
  18. Alt + H,D,C - Delete column
  19. Alt + M - Go to formula Tab
  20. Ctrl + 9 - Hide the selected row
  21. Ctrl+ 0 - Hide the selected column
  22. Ctrl + A - select the entry worksheet
  23. Alt + Enter - Start a new line in the same cell
  24. Ctrl + Spacebar - Select a entire row in a worksheet.
  25. Ctrl + Y - Repeat the last command
  26. Ctrl + Shift + U - Expand or collapse the formula bar.
  27. ESC - Cancel in entry in the cell or formula bar.
  28. Enter - accept entry.
  29. Ctrl + End - Move the cursor to the end of the text when in the formula bar
  30. Ctrl + Shift + End - Select all text in the formula bar from the cursor position to the end.
  31. Ctrl + Shift + A - Insert the argument names and parameters.
  32. Ctrl + Shift + L - Filter the data.
Shortcut on function key:

  1. F1 - Help
  2. F2 - edit the active cell bar
  3. F3 - displays the paste name dialog.
  4. F4 - repeats the last command or action.
  5. F5 - go to dialog box.
  6. F6 - switch between the worksheet.
  7. F7 - Opens the spelling dialog to check spelling in the active worksheet or selected range.
  8. F8 - turns extend mode on or off.
  9. F9 - calculate all worksheet.
  10. F10 - turns key tips on or off.
  11. F11 - Create a chart of the data in the current range in a separate chart sheet.
  12. F12 - Displays the Save as dialog box.

Microsoft Excel

Limitation of Excel: Maximum number of Row: 65,536(office 2003) and 1048576(office 2007) Maximum number of column: 256 (office 2003) and 163...