Friday, March 19, 2021

Electronic Transaction act 2063

 Electronic Transaction act 2063 (2008): 

यसको बारेमा more details भित्र छ (more details)

➤ Date of Authentication and Publication - 22 Mansir 2063 (December 8, 2006), Act number 27 of the year 2063.

Preamble: WHEREAS, it is expedient to make, legal provisions for authentication and regularization of the recognition, validity, integrity and reliability of generation, production, processing, storage, communication and transmission system of electronic records by making the transactions to be carried out by means of electronic data exchange or by any other means of electronic communications, reliable and secured; And where as, for controlling the acts of unauthorized use of electronic records or of making alteration in such records through the illegal manner, Now, therefore, be it enacted by the House of Representatives in the First Year of the issuance of the Proclamation of the House of Representatives, 2063(2007) . 

Chapter - 1 Preliminary:

1. Short Title, Extension and Commencement: (1) This Act may be called "The Electronic Transactions act,2063 (2008)". (2) This Act shall be deemed to have been commenced from 24 Bhadra 2063 ( sep.2, 2006). (3) This Act shall extend throughout Nepal and shall also apply to any person residing anywhere by committing an offence in contravention to this act.

2. Definitions: Unless the subject or context otherwise requires, in this Act,-

  1. "Asymmetric Crypto System" means a system that creates a secured key-pair consisting of a private key creating a digital signature and a public key to verify the digital signature.
  2. "License"
  3. "Originator"
  4. "Computer
  5. Computer Database
  6. Computer Network
  7. Computer system
  8. Computer Resource
  9. Subscriber
  10. Key Pair
  11. Data
  12. Tribunal
  13. Private Key
  14. Digital signature
  15. Access
  16. Appellate Tribunal
  17. Certificate
  18. Certification Practice statement
  19. Certifying Authority
  20. Addressee
  21. Electronic Record
  22. Electronic Form
  23. Public Key
  24. Information
  25. Information System
  26. Software
  27. Computer Accessory
  28. Government Authority
  29. Public Institution
Chapter - 2 Provisions Relating to Electronic Record and Digital Signature:

3. Authenticity of Electronic Record:
4. Legal Recognition of Electronic record: 
5. Legal Recognition of Digital Signature:
6. Electronic Records to be kept Safely:
7. Electronic Record May Fulfill the Requirement of Submission of any Original Document:
8. Secured Electronic Records:
9. Secured Digital Signature:

Chapter - 3 Provision Relating to Dispatch, Receipt and acknowledgement of Electronic Records:

10. Electronic Record to be Attributed to Originator:
11. Procedure of Receipt and Acknowledgement of Electronic Records:
12. Time and Place Of Dispatch and Receipt of Electronic Record:

Chapter 4. Provisions Relating to controller and certifying Authority:

13. Appointment of the Controller and other Employees:
14. Functions, Duties and Powers of the Controller:
15. License to be Obtained:
16. Application to be submitted for a License:
17. Other Functions and Duties of the Certifying Authority:
18. Procedure of License:
19. Renewal of License:
20. License may be suspended:
21. License may be revoked:
22. Notice of Suspension or revocation of a license:
23. Recognition to Foreign Certifying Authority may be given:
24. The Controller may issue Orders:
25. The Controller may delegate power:
26. The Controller may investigate: 
27. Performance Audit of Certifying Authority:
28. The Controller to have the Access to Computers and data:
29. Record to be maintained:

Chapter-5 Provisions Relating to Digital Signature and Certificates

30. Certifying Authority may issue a Certificate: 
31. Apply to obtain a Certificate:
32. Certificate may be suspended:
33. Certificate may be revoked:
34. Notice of Suspension or Revocation: 

Chapter-6 Functions, Duties and Rights of Subscriber

35. To Generate Key pair:
36. To Accept a Certificate:
37. To retain the private key in a secured manner:
38. To Deposit the Private Key to the Controller:

Chapter-7 Electronic Record and Government use of Digital Signature 

39. Government Documents may be published in electronic form: 
40. To Accept the Document in Electronic Form:
41. Use of Digital Signature in Government Offices:
Chapter –8 Provisions Relating to Network Service

42. Liability of Network Service Providers:
43. Network Service Provider not to be Liable:

Chapter -9 Offence Relating To Computer 

44. To Pirate, Destroy or Alter computer source code: 
45. Unauthorized Access in Computer Materials:
46. Damage to any Computer and Information System:
47. Publication of illegal materials in electronic form: 
48. Confidentiality to Divulge:
49. To inform False statement:  
50. Submission or Display of False License or Certificates:
51. Non-submission of Prescribed Statements or Documents:
52. To commit computer fraud: 
53. Abetment to commit computer related offence:
54. Punishment to the Accomplice:
55. Punishment in an offence committed outside Nepal:
56. Confiscation:
57. Offences Committed by a corporate body:
58. Other Punishment:
59. No Hindrance to Punish Under the Laws prevailing: 

Chapter-10 Provisions Relating to Information Technology Tribunal

60. Constitution of a Tribunal:
61. Qualification of the Member of the Tribunal:
62. Terms of office, remuneration and conditions of service of the Member of Tribunal:
63. Circumstances under which office shall be fallen vacant and filling up of vacancy: 
64. Staff of the Tribunal:
65. Procedures to be followed by the Tribunal:

Chapter-11 Provisions Relating to Information Technology Appellate Tribunal 

66. Establishment and formation of the Appellate Tribunal:
67. Qualification of the Member of Appellate Tribunal:
68. Terms of Office, Remuneration and Terms & Conditions of the service of the Member of                 Appellate Tribunal:
 69. Conditions of Vacancy of Office and filling up of such Vacancy:
70. Staff of the Appellate Tribunal:
71. Procedures to be followed by the Appellate Tribunal:

Chapter-12 Miscellaneous:

72. Provision may be made by an Agreement:
73. Government of Nepal may issue Directives:
74. Time Limitation to file a Complaint:
75. Government of Nepal to be a Plaintiff:
76. Compensation to be Recovered:
77. This Act shall not Apply:
78. Power to Frame Rules:
79. To Frame and Enforce the Directives:
80. Effect of inoperativeness of The Electronic Transactions Ordinance, 2063 (2008):

IT Policy Of Nepal

 ICT Policy,2072: यसको बारेमा more details भित्र छ ( More Details)

➤ National Information and communication Technology Policy 2072 (2015).

Past Policy endeavors:

➤ National communication policy in 1992.

➤ Telecommunications Act and Regulation in 1997.

➤ Information Technology Policy (IT Policy) announced in the year 2000.

➤ The IT Policy has since been revised in 2010.

➤ The formation of draft broadband policy in the year 2014.


Cellular telephony in particular has registered impressive uptake as evidenced by its sustained growth trajectory over the past few years with current penetration rate crossing well over 90 %. (विशेष गरी सेलुलर टेलिफोनीले विगत केही वर्षहरूमा यसको निरन्तर वृद्धि प्रवेगबाट प्रमाणित गरेको छ कि वर्तमान प्रवेश दर rate 90 % भन्दा बढि पार गरीरहेको छ।)

A fourth Kathmandu - Hetauda backbone is available through Nepal Electricity Authority which has now commenced hauling optic fiber cable with the roll out of high power electrical lines feeding into these backbones to expand telecommunications /ICT access to locations at the extremities of commercial broadband coverage. (चौथो काठमाडौं - हेटौंडा बैकबोन नेपाल विद्युत् प्राधिकरण मार्फत उपलब्ध छ जसले टेलिकम्युनिकेसन / आईसीटी पहुँच विस्तार गर्न वाणिज्य ब्रोडब्यान्ड कभरेजको स्थानमा विस्तार गर्नका लागि यी बैकबोनहरूमा उच्च शक्ति विद्युतीय लाइनहरूको रोल आउटसहित अप्टिक फाइबर केबल निकाल्ने काम सुरु गरिसकेको छ।)

Goals of ICT Policy:

At least 75 percent of the population will have digital literacy skills by the end of 2020.

90 percent of the population will be able to access the broadband service.

At least 7.5 % of GDP by 2020.

80% of all citizen facing government services would be offered online by 2020.

A broadband internet user penetration rate of 30% at a minimum of 512 KBPS and making available at least 10 Mbps download speed on demand in urban areas by 2018.


To transform Nepal into an information and knowledge based society and economy. (नेपाललाई सूचना र ज्ञानमा आधारित समाज र अर्थव्यवस्थामा रूपान्तरण गर्ने।)


To create conditions for the intensified development and growth of ICT sector as a key driver for Nepal's sustainable development and poverty reduction strategies. (नेपालको दिगो विकास र गरीबी निवारण रणनीतिको प्रमुख चालकको रूपमा आईसीटी क्षेत्रको तीव्र विकास र बृद्धिका लागि सर्तहरू सिर्जना गर्ने।)

Objectives of National ICT Policy:

To empower and facilitate Nepal's participation in the Global knowledge based society. (विश्वव्यापी ज्ञान आधारित समाजमा नेपालको सहभागिताको सशक्तीकरण र सहजीकरण गर्न।)

To promote ICT to further productivity among the sectors that is key drivers of the national economy. (राष्ट्रिय अर्थतन्त्रको प्रमुख चालक क्षेत्रहरू बीच आईसीटी बढि उत्पादकत्वको प्रबर्धन गर्ने।)

To conserve natural resources and safeguard Nepal's heritage using ICT tools. (आईसीटी उपकरण प्रयोग गरी प्राकृतिक स्रोत संरक्षण र नेपालको सम्पदाको रक्षा गर्न।)

List of Acronyms:

➤ ADSL = Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

➤ EMF = Electro Magnetic Fields

➤ FTTH = Fiber to the home

➤ GNI = Gross National Income

➤ ICNIRP = International Commission on Nonionizing Radiation Protection

➤ IXP = Internet Exchange Points

➤ LAPA = Local Adaption Plan of Action

➤ NCERT = Nepal Computer Emergency Response Team

➤ NDLI = National Digital Literacy Initiative

➤ QoS = Quality of Service

➤ RTDF = Rural Telecommunications Development Fund

➤ ITES = IT- enable service

➤ BPO = Business Process Outsourcing

➤ NITS = Nepal Trade 

ASCII and Unicode Standards

 Introduction to ASCII and Unicode Standards:

ASCII means American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
➤ ASCII is a character encoding standard for electronic communication.
➤ ASCII codes represent text in computers, telecommunications equipment and other devices.
➤ It uses the 7 bit code.
➤ It support 128 bit.
➤ Latest  8 bit ASCII support the 256 characters.

EBCDIC means Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange.
EBCDIC is an 8 bit character encoding used mainly on IBM mainframe and IBM mid range computer operating systems.
➤ It used the 8 bit code.
➤ It represents the 256 characters.


➤ The Unicode standard is a character coding system designed to support the worldwide interchange, processing and display of the written texts of the diverse language and technical disciplines of the modern worlds. (युनिकोड मानक एक चरित्र कोडिंग प्रणाली हो जुन विश्वव्यापी ईन्टरचेन्ज, प्रोसेसिंग र आधुनिक भाषाहरूको विविध भाषा र प्राविधिक विषयहरूको लिखित ग्रन्थहरूको प्रदर्शन समर्थन गर्दछ।)
➤ It supports 64000 Characters.

Nepali Unicode Keyboard layouts:

Two type of Nepali keyboard layouts are available till date Traditional and Romanized layout.

1. Traditional layouts: Traditional layout is designed for true Font (TTF) like, Preeti, Kantipur etc.)

2. Romanized Layout: It is translation of the Nepali using English character. E.g. Aa(आ), ba(ब),Nepali(नेपाली).

Computer number system (computer fundamental)

 Number System: The symbol which is used to measure quantity/ count the specific value that is number system.

1. Binary number system: 
➤ A number system that uses two different symbols (0,1) to measure quantity.
➤ It's base is 2
➤ Total number (0,1), used by computer
➤ It is also called machine language.

2. Octal number system:
➤ It is used Eight different number (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7), base is 8

3. Decimal number system:
➤ Use 10 distinct symbols (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), base is 10

4. Hexadecimal number system:
➤ The number which include number and alphabet both.
➤ It is used 0-9, and A-F symbol,16 symbols, (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F)

Logic Gate:

➤ Logic gate are the basic building block of any digital system.
➤ Electronic circuit has more than one input and only output.
➤ It is used in CPU (ALU)
Types of logic gates:
1. OR gate: It take two or more input and give one output and produce false result when all input are false otherwise result always true. A+B=AB, (0+0=0, 0+1=1, 1+0=1, 1+1=1).

2. AND gate: 
➤ Take more input and produce one output.
➤ It works the multiply function .e.g. A*B=C, (0*0=0, 0*1=0, 1*0=0, 1*1=1)

3. NOT gate: 
➤ The not gate is circuit that work as inverter.
➤ It has one input signal.
➤ input/output (0=1,1=0).

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Computer Networking (Computer Fundamental)

1. Introduction of Networking:

A set /group of distributed intelligence machine that share data/information/communication through any /line cable without cable that is called network. (वितरित खुफिया मेशिनको सेट / समूह जसले डेटा / जानकारी / सञ्चार साझेदारी गर्दछ कुनै पनि / लाइन केबल मार्फत, केबल बिना नेटवर्क भनिन्छ।)

Types of Network:

LAN (Local Area Network): A computer network spanned inside a building and operated under the single administrator system that is local area network. (एक कम्प्युटर नेटवर्क भवन भित्र फ्याँकिएको छ र एकल प्रशासक प्रणाली अन्तर्गत सञ्चालन हुन्छ जुन स्थानीय क्षेत्र नेटवर्क हो।)

➤ MAN (Metropolitan Area Network): The network that interconnected user with cable in geographical area of nay one region to another region/ city that is called Metropolitan area network. (नेटवर्क जुन प्रयोगकर्तालाई नाभिको एक भौगोलिक क्षेत्रमा अर्को क्षेत्र / शहरमा केबलको साथ जोड्दछ जुन मेट्रोपोलिटन क्षेत्र नेटवर्क भनिन्छ।)

➤ WAN (Wide Area Network): A wide area network such as which span a large geographical area such as one country to another country. It uses satellite technology. (विस्तृत क्षेत्र नेटवर्क जस्तै: ठूलो भौगोलिक क्षेत्र जसरी एउटा देशबाट अर्को देशमा विस्तार हुन्छ। यसले उपग्रह प्रविधि प्रयोग गर्दछ।)

2. E-mail/Internet/Intranet/Extranet/WWW:

E-mail: A services which allow us to send and receive element massage over the internet. E-mail called electronic mail. (एक सेवा जसले हामीलाई इन्टरनेटमा एलिमेन्ट message पठाउन र प्राप्त गर्न अनुमति दिँदछ। इ-मेललाई इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मेल भनिन्छ।)

E-mail Address: Each e-mail is signed a unique name for his e-mail account this name is known a E-mail address. Each user have different e-mail address which not match anyone. E-mail name are not allowed space and capital latter. E.g. (प्रत्येक इ-मेलमा आफ्नो ई-मेल खाताको लागि एक अद्वितीय नाममा हस्ताक्षर हुन्छ जुन यो नामलाई इ-मेल ठेगाना भनेर चिनिन्छ। प्रत्येक प्रयोगकर्तासँग फरक ईमेल ठेगाना हुन्छ जुन कसैसँग मेल खाँदैन। इ-मेल नाम खाली ठाउँ र ठूला अक्षर पछि अनुमति छैन।)

Internet: Internet is a worldwide network that contain vast collection of information and resource available to your computer. It is network of network. (इन्टर्नेट एक विश्वव्यापी नेटवर्क हो जुन तपाईंको कम्प्युटरमा उपलब्ध जानकारी र संसाधनहरूको विशाल संग्रह हुन्छ। यो नेटवर्क को नेटवर्क हो।)

Intranet: Intranet is a private network (LAN) for use by user in network. This is network that is not available to the world outside of the internet. Limited user of Company. It is own server and firewall. (इन्ट्रानेट एक निजी नेटवर्क (LAN) नेटवर्कमा प्रयोगकर्ता द्वारा प्रयोगको लागि हो। यो नेटवर्क हो जुन ईन्टरनेट बाहिरको संसारमा उपलब्ध छैन। कम्पनीको सीमित उपयोगकर्ता। यो आफ्नै सर्वर र फायरवाल हो।)

Extranet: This refers to network within an organization  using internet to connect the outside in controlled. It is opener firm supplier and customer. (यसले बाह्य नियन्त्रित जडान गर्न इन्टरनेट प्रयोग गर्ने संस्था भित्रको नेटवर्क बुझाउँछ। यो ओपनर फर्म आपूर्तिकर्ता र ग्राहक हो।)

Internet browsers:

Web browser: The software is used to access internet. Internet client software designed for to access retrieve and view document/information on the internet/website. (सफ्टवेयर इन्टरनेट पहुँच गर्न प्रयोग गरीन्छ। इन्टरनेट ग्राहक सफ्टवेयर पुन: प्राप्ति गर्न र इन्टरनेट / वेबसाइट मा कागजात / जानकारी हेर्नका लागि डिजाइन गरिएको।) E.g. Mosaic, Microsoft edge, Internet explorer, opera, Mozilla, safari, google chrome, Netscape, lynx.

Search engine: The search engine a tool to locate /find /search information or resource in website /internet which can search the link file page on internet. (खोजी इन्जिन एक उपकरण खोज्न / खोज जानकारी वा स्रोत / वेबसाइट / इन्टरनेटमा श्रोत जसले इन्टरनेटमा लिंक फाइल पृष्ठ खोजी गर्न सक्छ।)
E.g.,,,,,,,, etc.

E-mail server: A mail server is a computer system that sends and receives email. E.G.,,,

IP Address: 
➤ An IP address is unique address of particular computer other network devices on particular network. 
➤ It is part of internet. 
➤ Identifier of computer /devices on TCP/IP network.
➤ Protocols are based on IP address.
➤ Internet IP address 32 bit (4 bytes) long.
➤ The IP address is unique set of group (8 bit).
➤ E.g.

Subnet mask: 
➤ 32 bit logical organization.
➤ A subnet mask is a number that defines a range of IP address available within a network.
➤ Communication of network address and host address.
➤ E.g.

Network Media: Network transmission device connect/provide data and receive data/information that media is called transmission media.
1. Guided media: A computer that is connected with another with cable physical media that is called guided media media/bound cable transmission media.

types of guided media:
1. Twisted pair cable:
➤  A twisted pair cable is mode of two plastic insulated copper wire twisted together form a single media.
➤ Set up 4 pair = 8 wire
➤ connecter media RJ-45 connecter
➤ Used in LAN (maximum)
➤ Reduced noise.

2. Cereal cable: 
➤ Coaxial cabling has a single copper conductor at its center.
➤ The coaxial cable has high frequency than twisted pair cable.
➤ It has 450 MBPS bandwidth
➤ RG-59(TV), RG-58 (thin Ethernet)
➤ RG 11 (Thick Ethernet)
➤ Coaxial cable use the BNC connecter and T connecter.

3. Fiber optical cable: 
➤ A cable with central glass tube cupper with protect shield which transmit data using photos is fiber optical cable.
➤ It works on the laser beam (light technology)
➤ It made with high quality glass and plastic.
➤ Fastest cable media (technology)
➤ Electromagnetic technology
➤ 200 MBPS - 26 km- Speed
➤ Fiber optic cable are two types: Single mode and Multimode.
Connector: SC, ST, MT, RJ, un-direction, bi-direction both
1. Unguided media:
    ➤ The media is used to connect computer without cable and without any physical media.
    ➤ wireless media

Types of unguided media:
Infra - Red: It is allow computing device to communicate via-short range wireless signal, infra-ray, bidirectional, speed 1-2 MBPS E.g. TV- Remote

➤ Radio wave: The electro-magnetic radiation of frequency ranging from 30 KHZ - 300 GHZ through air. It connect similar/state line one transmitter from another E.g. mobile network tower.

➤ Microwave: It transmits data in same/similar/ particular device/ station. It space larger than radio wave. 1 GHZ - 30 GHZ speed, it transmit data by antenna E.g. Dish home.
➤ Wi-Fi: Popular Technology to exchange data /computer networking internet connect. Used in radio wave.

Network Architecture:

➤ Two or more computer are connected to established communication in network that are a physical connection that is called network architecture. (दुई वा अधिक कम्प्युटरहरू नेटवर्कमा स्थापित संचारमा जडित छन् जुन एक भौतिक जडान हो जसलाई नेटवर्क आर्किटेक्चर भनिन्छ।)

Types of Architecture:
➤  OSI (Open System Interconnection): It is most popular communication system, OSI developed by ISO company, It has 7 Layer (Application layer, Presentation layer, Session layer, Transport layer, network layer, data link layer, physical layer)
➤ IBM Network: Computer networking architecture which developed by IBM, It used the protocol, it created the set of rule for transfer data.

Network Model:

1. Client server network model:
    ➤ This model one server computer and many client computers connected, server is more powerful which star whole data and authority.

2. Peer to Peer network model:
    ➤ It has more computer but all are powerful and similar. It has no server work both client and server operations.

 Network Topology:

➤ It is used in LAN technology.
➤ It is also called physical arrangement of computer in network.

Types of Topology: more details

1. Bus Topology: 
    ➤ Bus network is topology is contains many computer with in single line/cable. Cable not used more than other Topology.

2. Ring Topology: Each device or computer is connected one to another computer in the shape of closed loop (ring).
3. Star Topology: It network used the any devices (Hub/Switch) in central point of computer.

4. Tree Topology: The various terminal and computer are link/connect to a main computer/server in network.

5. Hybrid Topology: It is portly combination of star and bus with ring topology.

6. Mesh Topology: This network all point/ node are connected each other all computer not depended one computer

Communication Mode:

1. Simplex: It transmit data one way one side. (यसले डाटा एक तर एक तर्फ प्रसारित गर्दछ।)

2. Half duplex: It transmit data both side /two way but in one time can't it transmit one time one way. (यसले दुबै पक्ष / दुई तर्फ डाटा प्रसारण गर्दछ तर एक पटकमा यसले एक पटक एक पटक प्रसारित गर्न सक्दैन।)

3. Full duplex: A system transmit data simultaneously both direction over channel. Transmit data two way say in same time. (एक प्रणाली डाटा एक साथ दुबै दिशामा च्यानल प्रसारण गर्दछ। डाटा प्रसारण दुई तरीकाले एकै समयमा भन्नुहोस्।)


➤ A firewall is hardware or software that helps control the spread of malicious software on your network and helps to protect your devices when you use the internet. (फायरवाल हार्डवेयर वा सफ्टवेयर हो जुन तपाईंको नेटवर्कमा मालिसियस सफ्टवेयरको प्रसारलाई नियन्त्रण गर्न मद्दत गर्दछ र जब तपाईं इन्टरनेट प्रयोग गर्नुहुन्छ तपाईंको उपकरणहरूको सुरक्षा गर्न मद्दत गर्दछ।)

Dial-Up Networking:

➤ The DUN connects the system to the ISP, which than provides the system a certain IP address and internet gateway address to be connected to and be a part of the network. (DUN ले प्रणालीलाई ISP मा जोड्दछ, जसले प्रणालीलाई जडान हुन र नेटवर्कको एक हिस्सा हुन एक निश्चित IP ठेगाना र इन्टरनेट गेटवे ठेगाना प्रदान गर्दछ।)

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Basic File Management System (Computer Fundamental)

 1. Physical Structure of the Disk: 

Floppy disk: A floppy disk is basically a circular sheet of plastic, coated with magnetic material. (फ्लपी डिस्क मूलतः प्लास्टिकको गोलाकार पाना हो, चुम्बकीय सामग्रीको साथ लेपित।)

Hard disk: A hard disk is made of a stack of circular platters, also coated with magnetic material. It is a sealed unit containing a stack of circular platters mounted on a common spindle. Electromagnetic read/write heads are located above and below each platter. The patters rotate at a constant speed, eg. 7200 rpm. The disk is divided tracks and sectors. (हार्ड डिस्क गोलाकार प्लेटर्सको स्ट्याकबाट बनेको हुन्छ, यसको चुम्बकीय सामग्रीसँग लेप गरिएको हुन्छ। यो एक सिल गरिएको इकाई हो जुन सामान्य स्पिन्डलमा आरोहित गोलाकार प्लेटर्सको स्ट्याक हुन्छ। विद्युत चुम्बकीय पठन / लेखन हेडहरू प्रत्येक थालको माथि र तल अवस्थित छन्। प्याटर्स स्थिर गतिमा घुमाउँदछ, उदाहरणका लागि। 7200 rpm डिस्कलाई ट्र्याक र क्षेत्रहरू विभाजित गरिएको छ।)

2. Concept of File and Folder:

File: A file is an item that contains information for example, text or image or music. A file can look like a text document or a picture. On your computer, file are represented with icons, this makes it easy to recognize a type of file by looking at its icon. (फाईल: फाईल एक आईटम हो जुन जानकारी, उदाहरणका लागि पाठ वा छवि वा संगीतको लागि समावेश गर्दछ। फाइल पाठ कागजात वा तस्वीर जस्तो देखिन्छ। तपाइँको कम्प्युटरमा, फाईलहरू आईकनहरूसहित प्रतिनिधित्व हुन्छन्, यसले यसको आइकन हेरेर फाइलको प्रकार चिन्न सजिलो बनाउँदछ।)
👍 Identification of file is file name.
👍 File name have two name : Primary and Secondary name.
👍 A part portion of computer program which some data information command of any one program/ same type program.
File name: 1. Primary name: The name before dot/point/period.
                    👍 The name create/ define by user.
                    👍 Valid symbol for file name : A-Z, 0-9, a-z, @,$,!,_,-,(),# etc.
                    👍 Primary name: 1 to 8 character in DOS and 255 in Windows.
                    2. Secondary name: also called extension name.
                    👍 It indicates the format of source application.
                    👍 The name which is give after period by program automatically.

Wild Character: 
👍 Which character/letter/symbol is used by computer system already.
👍 Reserved character by system/computer.
👍 The Wild character are not supported in file name and folder name eg. /,\.?,|.


👍 A location to save the file.

👍 A folder in a container or cabinet of file you can use to store files in. (कन्टेनर वा फाइलको क्याबिनेटमा रहेको फोल्डर तपाईंले फाइलहरू भण्डारण गर्न प्रयोग गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ)
👍 It is used for store, delete, move, file or subfolder.

File system: 
👍 The organization of file in disk is called File System.
👍 File system used by the computer or more appropriately, the operating system.
    (डिस्कमा फाईलको संगठनलाई फाइल सिस्टम भनिन्छ।)
      (कम्प्युटर द्वारा प्रयोग गरिएको फाईल प्रणाली वा अधिक उपयुक्त, operating प्रणाली।)

Types of File System: 

1. FAT File System: The File Allocation Table (FAT) file system was designed for small disks and simple directory structures. (फाइल आलोकेशन टेबल (FAT) फाइल प्रणाली सानो डिस्क र साधारण निर्देशिका संरचनाहरूको लागि डिजाइन गरिएको 
Version of FAT
                        ➤ FAT 12
                        ➤ FAT 16
                        ➤ FAT 32
2. NTFS File system: NTFS stands for New Technology File System. It has more performance, reliability, security and compatibility. This NTFS File system is not only secure but also supports larger file sizes. (योसँग अधिक प्रदर्शन, विश्वसनीयता, सुरक्षा र अनुकूलता छ। यो NTFS फाइल प्रणाली सुरक्षित मात्र छैन तर ठूला फाईल आकारहरू पनि समर्थन गर्दछ।)

Concept of Multimedia (Computer fundamental)


💗 It is a integration of different types of media such as text, graphics, audio, video, animation.

(यो पाठ, ग्राफिक्स, अडियो, भिडियो, एनिमेसन को रूप मा मिडिया को बिभिन्न प्रकारको एकीकरण हो।)

 💗 It allows managing different media component like Text, Sound and still or animated graphics images. (यसले पाठ, ध्वनि र स्थिर वा एनिमेटेड ग्राफिक्स छविहरू जस्तो विभिन्न मिडिया कम्पोनेन्टहरू प्रबन्ध गर्न अनुमति दिन्छ।)

 💗 In live situation, the use of a speaker or actors and "props" together with sound, images and motion video. (प्रत्यक्ष स्थितिमा, स्पिकर वा कलाकारहरूको प्रयोग र "प्रप्स" सँगै ध्वनि, छविहरू र गति भिडियो।)

Computer related threats (computer fundamental)

Computer Threats:

 Virus: It is self-replication program its self-copy file folder, loss/damages the data of computer. It is also called malware.

(Translate in Nepali: भाइरस: यो सेल्फ-नक्कल प्रोग्राम हो यो यसको सेल्फ-कपि फाइल फोल्डर हो, कम्प्युटरको डाटालाई नोक्सान / नोक्सान पुर्‍याउँछ। यसलाई मालवेयर पनि भनिन्छ।) 

Types of virus:

Boot sector virus (corrupt the system file)

Application virus (make automatic application file)

Startup virus (stop the computer boot)

worm (copy itself)

Trojan horse, time bomb, leap mac, storm worm, Joshi, Zenas 2007, creeper, spyware, my doom,        virus etc.

➔ First virus appear in ARPANET.

Phishing: Phishing is term used to describe a malicious individual or group of individuals who scam users. They do so by sending emails or creating web page that are designed to collect an individuals online bank, credit card, or other login information. because these emails and web page look like legitimate companies users trust them and enter their personal information.

(Translate in Nepali: Phishing - शब्द एक व्यक्तिलाई दुर्भावनापूर्ण व्यक्ति वा समूहको बयान गर्न प्रयोग गर्दछ जसले प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई घोटाला गर्दछ। तिनीहरू ईमेल पठाउँदै वा वेब पृष्ठ सिर्जना गरेर त्यसो गर्छन् जुन व्यक्ति अनलाईन बैंक, क्रेडिट कार्ड, वा अन्य लगइन जानकारी संकलन गर्न डिजाइन गरिएको हो। किनभने यी ईमेलहरू र वेब पृष्ठ वैध कम्पनीहरूले उनीहरूलाई विश्वास गर्दछन् र उनीहरूको व्यक्तिगत जानकारी प्रविष्ट गर्दछ।)

Trojans: A trojan is another type of malware named after the wooden horse that the Greeks used to infiltrate Troy. It is a harmful piece of software that looks legitimate.

(Translate in Nepali: ट्रोजन: ट्रोजन अर्को प्रकारको मालवेयर हो जुन काठको घोडाको नामले ग्रीकहरूले ट्रोयमा घुसाउने गर्थे। यो सफ्टवेयरको एक हानिकारक टुक्रा हो जुन वैध देखिन्छ।)

Worms: Computer worms are similar to viruses in that they replicate functional copies of themselves and can cause the same type of damage.

(Translate in Nepali: गँड्यौलाहरू: कम्प्युटर गँड्यौलाहरू भाइरससँग मिल्दोजुल्दो छ कि तिनीहरू आफैंको कार्यात्मक प्रतिहरू दोहोर्याउँदछन् र उही प्रकारको नोक्सान निम्त्याउन सक्छ।)

Antivirus: The program that detect and remove (clean) the virus from computers. E.g. Kaspersky, AVG and Avira, MacAfee, Norton, Dr. Solomon, 360 total security, K7, Avast, Panda, F-prot, ecsan, quick heal etc.

(Translate in Nepali: एन्टिभाइरस: प्रोग्राम जसले कम्प्युटरबाट भाइरस पत्ता लगाउँदछ र हटाउँछ (सफा) गर्दछ।)

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Setting and Protection of Computer Room and Computer (Computer fundamental)


 Power and Protection: (शक्ति र सुरक्षा:)

UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply)(निर्बाध बिजुली आपूर्ति) : It is provide short-term electrical power should the normal supply fail. (Translate in Nepali: यो छोटो अवधिको बिजुली शक्ति प्रदान गर्दछ सामान्य आपूर्ति असफल हुनु पर्छ।)

Cables and Sockets: Shutdown the computer system and unplug the power cable and socket from main line after the office time. (Translate in Nepali: कम्प्युटर प्रणाली बन्द गर्नुहोस् र अफिसको समय पछि मुख्य लाइनबाट पावर केबल र सकेट अनप्लग गर्नुहोस्।)

Backup: It is important to regularly make copies of data so that these additional copies can be used to restore information in the event of a data loss. (Translate in Nepali: ब्याकअप: यो नियमित रूपमा डाटाको प्रतिलिपि बनाउन महत्त्वपूर्ण छ ताकि यी अतिरिक्त प्रतिलिपिहरू डाटा हराउने घटनामा जानकारी पुनर्स्थापना गर्न प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ।)

Security and safety: It is essential that the computer room be fully secured. don't install the computer in an insecure location. (Translate in Nepali: सुरक्षा र सुरक्षा: यो आवश्यक छ कि कम्प्युटर कोठा पूर्ण रूपमा सुरक्षित होस्। असुरक्षित ठाउँमा कम्प्युटर स्थापना नगर्नुहोस्।)

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Overview of a computer system (Computer Fundamental)

 1. Data and Data processing:

Data: Data is a collection of Facts and Figures.

Data Processing: Data processing refers to the transformation raw data into meaningful output. There are three types of data processing methods.

1. Manual data processing

2. Mechanical data processing

3. Electronic data processing.

Data processing Cycle:

1. Data Collection

2. Preparation

3. Input

4. Processing

5. Output

Information: It is the processed form of data, which makes some sense and helps in reaching a conclusion. E.g. Time Table, Report card, Phone book etc.

Computer Architecture:

[Processor(CPU)- (Control Unit, Arithmetic Logic Unit, Register Unit) ⇆ Memory, Input, Output)]

1.2 Hardware: All the physical components of computer system are called hardware. E.g. Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, CPU, Scanner, Printer.

Component of hardware: 

1. Input device: The device which gives the data/instruction into the machine to process/communicate to obtain result as input. E.g. Keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanner, light pen, OCR, OMR, MICR, Bar Code Reader, Tracker, Touch pad, Biometric reader, smart card, , web cam, microphone, remote, x-ray, punch card etc.

→ Mouse: It is direct and pointing device. (used only GUI), developed by Douglas Engelbart in 1964.

→ Keyboard: Most common useful input device. developed by Christopher Sholes in 1968.

→ Scanner: drawing or photograph/text to convert it into digital form.

2. Processing device: CPU(Central Processing Unit) is the brain of computer. Heart of computer. It has three unit part section.

i. Control Unit (CU): The Unit controls the operation of all part of computer. nerve center, supervisor, transfer, convert, manage coordinates the different unit.

ii. Arithmetic and logical unit (ALU): Actually processing unit/calculating unit, worker unit, arithmetic operation -, +, *, <, >, + etc.

iii. Memory Unit (MU)/Register/Primary memory: The unit which is used to store data/program/while processing/working on. It is temporary memory.

CPU Machine cycle: (Fetch, Decode, Execute, Store/sequence)

3. Output device: The device gives the processed result. E.g. Monitor, printer, plotter, projector, LCD, COM, speaker. Types of output device: Softcopy and hardcopy.

→ Monitor: It is softcopy output device. developed by Allen B. Dumont in 1920.

→ Printer: It is most common hardcopy output device. It is External output device.

Types of Printer: Impact and non impact printer

i. Impact printer: produce more sound slow printer, Dot matrix and Daisy printer its speed is CPS (character per second)
Line, Drum, Band printer, its speed LPM (Line per minute) use in mainframe computer

ii) non-impact printer: It is fastest printer than other printer E.g. Laser printer, Ink-jet printer, electro static printer. speed measured by PPM (page per minute)

Types of printer based on speed:

i. Character/serial printer: Speed measure in CPS(Character Per Minute), Slow print, E.g. (dot matrix, daisy wheel, golf ball) printer.

ii. Line printer: Used in the mainframe computer, it cannot print /produce graphics/image, speed 200-600 LPM (Line Per Minute), E.g. (band, wheel, chain, drum, cylinder, bar, comb) printer, etc.

iii. Page Printer:  Common used printer, one page a time, best quality printer, speed PPM (Page Per Minute), E.g. (laser, ink-jet, thermal, solid ink, LCD/LED) printer.

Plotter: A plotter typically used to print large form graph, maps, engineering drawing, flex board, banners, big poster etc. high quality graphics, used in CAD flex board, poster, banner, CAE print map.

4. Input-Output device: Those device which can accept input and also produce output.
→ Touch screen: give the choose option/ input and output (both operation).
 → Modem: A modem converts the digital signal into the analog (modulator) and convert the analog into digital (demodulator). transmission media/network media. speed of modem is measured in Bound (bit) bit per second. communication channel/phone.
→ Headset: Used in application area of head set of Internet chat.

→ Fax: combination of scanner and printer.
→ Network card (NIC)/LAN card: It is used to link network computer for transmitting data.
→ Sound card/audio card: It is part of computer which manage it's audio input and produce output (audio).

5. Storage device: Computer Memory - Computer memory is any physical device capable of storing information temporary or permanently.

Types of Memory: 

Primary Memory: Any component that attach with system board that is called internal memory or the electronic circuit which hold data/ instruction in a computer unit run to be processed. It also called main memory, real memory, online memory. E.g. semiconductor memory (RAM,ROM), Bubble memory, Flash memory.

    Internal Memory
    A. Volatile memory: Volatile memory is a memory that loses its content when the computer hardware device loses the power/ power off or lost data automatically when power cut off. E.g. RAM, Resister, cache memory, virtual memory.
RAM: Temporary memory it allow read/write operation.
Types of  RAM:  Static RAM - expensive than DRAM, doesn't need refreshing circuit for rewrite data, faster than other RAM/DRAM.
                               Dynamic RAM: Cheap and slow SRAM, need refresh.  
  Cache memory: Faster memory than RAM and ROM but slow than Resister, types of cache (L1-L6), fastest is L1.
Virtual memory: It is method of illusion physical memory/ secondary memory.

B. Non- volatile memory: The contents of memory can't be lost/don't lose automatically when power off. E.g. ROM, Flash memory etc.

ROM: The code instruction written in ROM is called Firmware, fixed memory, program only manufacture time & it allow read only.
Types of ROM:  

i) PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory): - also called blank chip, write once time ROM, fixed memory.

ii) EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) :- reprogrammable chip/ROM, user can program many times/erase and write that, high voltage.

iii) EEPRPM(Electrically Alterable Programmable ROM) :-  reprogrammable chip with electric charge, it is also called flash memory (BIOS).

iv) EAPROM (Electrically Alterable Programmable ROM) : - store the CMOS setting, it can change by electrical current charge , but change one bit at a time.

v) Flash Memory (BIOS) : - Firmware: A program is store write in ROM chips, combination of hardware and software it is accessible during booting, it holds large amount of data. 

Secondary Memory: Data, program and information are permanently store, outside of mother board, system board with cable. E.g. Punch card, paper tape, magnetic tape,, flash drive, floppy disk, hard disk, zip disk, pen drive, super disk, CD, DVD, magnetic, optical disk, MO disk, Blu ray disk (random, direct access).

Hard Disk: made with metallic oxide in both side, faster and more space than floppy, developed by IBM team and Reynold Johnson at 1956.

Zip disk size: 100 MB, 250 MB and than 750 MB.

Floppy disk size: It can store Minimum 360 KB and Maximum store 1.44 MB.

CD (Compact Disk): Build by James Russel (1965),CD have 680 MB - 700 MB, direct random access.

DVD (Digital Video Disk) : made in 1995 by Philips company , DVD have 4.7 GB space, random/direct access.

6. Port: This is interacting point of two points. It connects point of computer and other device, such as CD ROM, Modem, Printer, Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, Peripheral device.

Types Of Port: 
i) Serial Port: modem and oldest mouse, 1 bit at a time, 9 pin 25 pin (two types), speed 115 KB per second.

ii) Parallel Port: female port in computer, 25 holes/pin and used to connect printer, scanner port printer.

iii) IEEE port: Faster than serial port, 8 bit at a time.

iv) PS/2 Port: It is used to connect old computer mouse and keyboard.
v) USB (universal serial bus): It was introduce in 1997, plug and paly interface, automatic run drive, support 127 type device, speed 12 Megabit per second.

vi) VGA port: Connect monitor to computer video card, 15 holes, serial port it has holes.
vii) LPT port(line printer port): speed 8 bit at a time.

viii) SCSI port (Small computer system interface): scanner, USB, Zip drive connects, type (SCSI 1,SCSI 2,SCSI 3), speed: SCSI 1- 8 bit, SCSI 2 -16 bit, SCSI 3 - 32 bit per second.

ix) Midi Port (Musical instrument data interface) : connect midi keyboard, musical port.

x) Fire ware port: transfer large amount of data at very fast, speed 400-800 megabit per second.

xi) LAN port: Connect to network.

xii) AT (Advance Technology)/Din 5 port:  It is used connect AT Keyboard, 5 pin.

xiii) Game port:  15 pins.

xiv) Modem port: replace by USB port.

xv) Socket port: connect micro phone speaker to sound.

xvi) Rj-45 (Registered Jack): 8 pin, cat 5 cables.

xvii) RJ-11 port: used in phone cable.

xviii) Virtual port/ logical port: It it a number used in network.

Layout of Disk/Filing System:
        1. FAT file system (File allocation Table) oldest : FAT 12 support by MS DOS 4.0                 version and 8,3 file name.
        2. NTFS (New Technology File System) latest : Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8,                 10 support the NTFS file system. 

Computer Software: The collection of instruction or logical components that instruct the hardware to perform specific task. E.g. DOS, Windows, MS word, excel tally etc.

Types of software: System Software and Application software

System Software: The software are dedicated to manage computer itself that is called system software. E.g. utility tool, DOS, Windows, Driver, language translator.

Application Software: A set of program that perform specific task/ activities for the user end user. E.g. word, excel tally, CAD etc.

Types of application system: Tailor and Package software

Tailor software: The software designed for single user needs requirements that is called tailor software. E.g. content management, bill management etc.

Package software: It is general purpose software for several/ multiple user/ to common requirements. E.g. word processing, presentation, database etc.

Computer Programming language:

1. Low level language: i) Machine level language/1GL/First generation language (0,1), ii) Assembly language (2GL/second generation language) symbolic/mnemonic code.

2. High level language: i) Procedure oriented language (3 GL) object oriented, ii) Non-procedure (problem) oriented language (4 GL), iii) Natural Language (5 GL).

Language Translator: Assembler, Compiler and Interpreter.

Different ware suffix term:
a. Firmware: The code/instruction is written in ROM chip is called Firmware.

b. Live ware: Like human ware but work in online.

c. Shareware: The copyright act program available in internet.

d. Human ware: Human ware is a hardware and software that emphasized user capability and design the user interface.

e. Freeware: The proprietary software that is available for used no cost with full version.

f. people ware: A personal who design, program and maintain the computer equipment.

g. Malware: The malicious program that disturb computer operation gather their sensitive information E.g. Trojan horse. 

Computer Networking Setup


1. What is a computer Network?
Ans: Two or more computers connected together and sharing resources.

2. What are network resources?
Ans: Any kind of software, hardware or information which can be set with sharing is called network resource. E.g. file/folder, drivers, optical drivers, printer/scanner, internet sharing (modem or router), windows desktop)

3. What is sharing?
Ans: This is the permission given to network users so that they can access our local resources.

4. Types of networks?
Ans: a. LAN: - Local area networks involved around the PC revolution and provide high-speed, fault- tolerant data networks that cover a relatively small geographic area or that is confined to a single building or group of buildings.
b. WAN: - The wide area networks cover broader geographic areas, often using transmission facilities provided by common carriers, such as telephone companies, to interconnect a number of LANs.
c. MAN: - The Special (WAN) can be used to connect number of computers from one location (city) to another city by using microwave transmission.
d. Internet: Public
e. Intranet (Internal network) Private network
f. Extranet (external network (Private network
g. VPN (Virtual Private Network) RRAS (Routing and Remote Access Server)

5. Requirement to create a network
 1. Planning and designing
          - LAN/WAN
          -Number of computers
          - Speed
          -Model (work group/ domain network)
 2. Network devices (Cable, Switch, Router, and Network Card)

3. All compute must be instated with network operating system (NT, 200, 2003, 2008, 2012)

4. All computers must use a common network protocol

i) Topology: - It defines the shape of network. There are two types of topology. 
a) Physical topology: - It defines how the network is physically connected. 
b) Logical topology: - It defines how communication takes places with the network.
a) Physical topology: -                                   
1. Bus topology: -

i) Speed: 10 Mbps
ii) Cable: RGB/RGB58, connector: AUI/BNC                            
iii) Number of computers: 100|30                                  
iv) Distance: 500m|200m
2. Ring Topology: -
i) Speed: 10 Mbps
ii) Cable: RGB/RGB58, connector: AUI/BNC                            
iii) Number of computers: 100|30
iv) Distance: 500m|200m
3. Star Topology: -
Speed: 10/100 |1000 Mbps
Cable: UTP/PTP
Connector: RJ-45                                                                     
Number of computers: 1024 Per Hub
Distance: 100m computer to switch                                                                               

4. Wireless: -                                          

5. Mesh Topology: -
 b) Logical topology: -

1. Bus: - This is the commonly used logical topology
- In this when one computer sends a message it can be seen by all computers but only destination computer will use it.
- If two or more computer were to send a message at once, a collision will occur solving down the network.

2. Ring: - This was used in token ring network.
- In this network a single token is passed among all computers and only computer with token can send.
- This network there are no send.
- In this network there are no collision.

3. Cellular (wireless): - this is same as logical bus but there is no physical connection.

6. Network devices: -

1. Network adapter (LAN and NIC: - All computers must have at least one LAN port (RJ45) Speed (10/100/1000Mbps)

2. Repeater: - It is used to extend distance of a single cable connection.

3. HUB: - This is the central device used in star networks
                - It allows us to connect more than two computers.
                - It comes according to speed 10/100/1000 Mbps and number of ports.

4. Bridge: - It is used to interconnect hubs.
                - It auto store physical address and performs traffic filtering.

5. Switch: - It functions both as hub and bridge.
    - It allows us to connect multiple computers and it can also perform traffic filtering using MAC address.

6. Router: - It allows us to inter connect different networks together.
                - If performs traffic filtering using logical address.

7. Network Cable: -

1. Coaxial cable: -Used in bus and ring networks.
                There are two types
                a) RGB (Thick net)
                Distance: 500m
                Connector AUI (Affachment Unit Interface)
                b) RGB58 (Thick net)
                Distance: 200m
                Connector BNC (British Naval Connectors)
 2. Twisted pair cables: - there are two types
                        a) UTP Unshielded. T. P (Green)
                        b) STP Shielded. T. P (White)
Category: -
Cat1: 1 Mbps
Cat2: 4 Mbps
Cat3: 10 Mbps
Cat4: 16 Mbps
Cat5: 100 Mbps
Cat5e: 1000 Mbps
Cat6: 4-10 Gbps

3. Coaxial cable: -
®     It is used for higher distances
®     It transfer data of data from in light signals
®     There is no interface
®     There are two types:
®     SMF – Single Mode Fiber
®     MMF – Multi Mode Fiber
®     Distance: - 5 km.

8. Crimping/ Clamping: -
®     This is the process of connectivity RJ 45 to STP/UTP cables.
®     There are methods:
a) Cross over: - This is used when interconnecting same types of devices.
E.g. Computer to Hub
Hub to Hub
Switch to Switch
Switch to Hub
b) Straight through: - This is used when interconnecting different devices.
E.g. Computer to Hub
Computer to Switch

Computer to Router.
 1. Cross over to color table: -

2. Straight through to color table: -

9. MAC Address (Media Access Control): -
®     It is also called hardware/physical address.
®     It is a unique 6 byte address located in every network and (LAN/WLAN)
®     It allows network cards to be able to send receive data in a network
®     Mac is set during manufacturing.
®     To view Mac address
Open Dos
Use the following command get mac
IEEE (Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers)

10. IP (Internet Protocol) Address: -
®     It is also called logical address
®     It is also a unique 32 bit address given to each network computer.
®     There are two ways to set IP address: -
a) Manually (Static IP)
b) Automatically through (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Dynamic IP
®     There are five classes of IP address:
®     Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, Class E.
®     Class A, B, C used in networking and class D used for multi cast and E used for research.
®     IP is divided into four octets which are separated by dots.
®     The class of IP is defined by value given in 1st octet.
®     Each class of IP has two parts: Network ID All computers in the same network must have same network ID number and Host ID All computers must have unique host ID number.
1st octet range
Network ID octet
Host ID octet
No. of Hosts
1st only
2nd , 3rd, 4th
1st and 2nd
3rd, and 4th
1st, 2nd, and 3rd
4th only

11. Steps to set of IP Address: -
Step1: Open control panel.
Step2: Open Network and sharing center.
Step3: Form left panel and select change Adapter Setting
Step4: Open properties of Ethernet (Local area connection)
Step5: From list select Internet protocol (IPv4 and click on properties.
Step6: Select option use the following IP address
Step7: Type required IP and select inside subnet it will be auto set.
Step8: Ok and close.

12. Ipconfig command: - this can be used to view IP address
                Syntax: ipconfig [Enter]
                Syntax: ipconfig/all [Enter]

13. Ping command: - This is used to check connection between network devices.
                Syntax: ping ip address
                Example: ping 192.168.o.1 [Enter]
                (Note: If we get reply 4 times and loss = 0% then connection is working.
If there is a problem message: destination host unreachable is request timed out.)
Syntax: tracert

14. IP address are divided into two categories
a) Public IP: - These addresses are used in the internet. We have to purchase them.
b) Private IP: - These addresses are free it can only be used to create local network. These addresses cannot be used within internet.
Private IP
Public IP
Class A: to
1-9, 11-126
Class B: to to to
Class C: to, to, to223.255.255.254

15. Creating Workgroup network (Peer to Peer): -
1. We need to set a common workgroup name for all computers. (Up to 20 computers)
Steps of create workgroup on network.
Step1: Open computer properties.
Step2: Select advances system setting.
Step3: Select computer name tab click on change.
Step4: Give a name for computer and work group name.
Step5: Click on ok > ok> and restart on computer.
2. We need to change security setting of windows to allow communication.
Step1: Open control panel.
Step2: Open administrative tools.
Step3: Open local security policy.
Step4: From left panel open local policies and select security settings.
                i) Network access: allow anonymous SID/Name translation (set to enable)
ii) Network access: do not allow anonymous enumeration of SAM accounts (Disable).
iii) Network access: sharing and security model for local accounts (Classic).
3. We need to enable file and printer sharing
Step1: Open control panel.
Step2: Open network and sharing center.
Step3: From left panel select change advanced sharing settings.
Step4: turn on network discovery.
Step5: turn on file and printing sharing.
Step6: Save and close.
4. All administrator accounts of all computers must be set with a password. Blank passwords don’t work in networking accessing network computers.
                a) Open computer icon
                b) Open network icon
                c) Open required computer name
                Go to RUN and use following command
                \\computername [Enter]
                Go to RUN and use following command
                \\ipaddress [Enter]

16. Sharing resources: -
                a) Open properties of folder > select sharing tab.
                b) Select advance sharing
                c) Select option shares this folder and gives a share name.
                d) If necessary give permissions (default setting is read only)
                e) Ok > ok.
                a) Open computer management
                b) Open shared folders and right click on shares > select new share.
                c) In welcome screen click next.
                d) Click on browse and select folder to share.
                e) Click next and give a name.
                f) Give permission > Finished.

17. Hidden sharing: -
®     This is used to hide shared folders.
®     This is useful to share folder for private use only.
®     When sharing a folder give a $ sign at end of the share name.
®     To open a hidden shared folder we need to know its name then go to run.
®     \\computer\sharename$ >ok.

18. Network drive: - This is used to connect share folder of any network computer.
Step1: Open network.
Step2: Open required computer name.
Step3: right click on the required folder and select map network drive > Finished.

19. Remote desktop connection: -
®     This is used to connect to network computers OS and it will allow us to use all files, programs and devices connected to that device.
®     In order to connect the remote computer must allow remote desktop connections.
Step1: Open computer properties.
Step2: Select remote setting.
Step3: Allow remote desktop > ok > close.
Steps to connect
-          Go to RUN and type mstsc >ok
-          Give remote computer IP address or computer name > connect.
-          Give user name and password > ok.

20. Printer sharing: -
®     Printer device is connected directly to a system which will be called print server.
®     The driver software must be installed then we can share it to all other network computers.
1. Open control panel.
2. Open devices and printers.
3. Right click on printer and select printer properties
4. Ok > close.
Steps to connect to network printer:
1. Open network.
2. Open print server computer.
3. Open printer name> message to connect select > Yes.

21. DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)/ADSL (Advance Digital Subscriber Line) router setup: -
Step1: Make sure we have received Dynamic IP from router.
Step2: Open any browser and address bar type IP of router and press enter.
Step3: To set of internet Quick start.
Step4: PPPoE
VPI: 8, VCI: 81
Step5: SSID (Service set identifier): Wi-Fi name
Encryption: WPA 2
Pre shared key: password
To Wi-Fi password change: Maintainer: User name or password:

22. Steps to create server:
                Step1: Install server Operating System.
                Step2: Set IP address.
                Step3: Give same ID prefer DNS server.
                Step4: Start > Administrative tools > Server manager.
                Step5: Open Roles > Add Roles.
                Step6: Tick to active directory domain services > Add > Next > Next > Install.
                Step7: From roles select Active directory domain services.
    Step8: Run the active directory domain services installation wizard (dcpromo.exe).
                Step9: Welcome screen click next.
                Step10: Select create a new domain in a new forest.
                Step11: Type the fully domain name [] > next.
                Step12: Select forest functional level > next.
                Step13: Domain functional level > next > next > next.
    Step14: Directory service password > next > finish > restart computer.

23. Steps to remove servers:
 Step1: Run > dcpromo.exe > Ok >next.
 Step2: Click tick delete domain >next > next.
 Step3: Tick delete all > next.
 Step4: Give new password for administrator password > next > next.
Step5: Finish and restart computer.
Step6: Open server manager.
Step7: Roles > Remove Roles.
Step8: Remove.

24. Adding client computers to domain:
Step1: Set IP address > in DNS server give IP of domain controller.
Step2: Open computer properties > Select change setting > select change > give a name for computer > select domain and type domain name > ok.
Step3: Type user name and password server.
Step4: After finished and restart computer.

25. Creating domain user accounts:
                Step1: Start > Administrative tools > Active directory users computers.
                Step2: Open domain name > select users > right click on users > new > user.
                Step3: Give full name and user name > next.
Step4: give password (Capital latter, small latter, number, symbol (minimum 8 characters)

26. Making user as administrator:
                Step1: Open active directory users and computers.
                Step2: Open properties of user accounts.
                Step3: Select member of.
                Step4: click on Add (domain administrative)
                Step5: From list select domain administrative > Set primary group.                           
                Step6: Select domain users Remove

27. Creating domain user groups:
                Step1: Open active directory users and computers
                Step2: right click on user folder select group.
                Step3: Give a name for group > ok.
Step4: Open group > Members > Add > name.

28. Managing user accounts: - to change user information right click on user account and select properties.
1. General tab:
-          First name, last name, email, website.
2. Accounts:                                                                                                    
- we can change user logion name.
- accounts expire.
- Log on To: This can be used to control which computer user can login.
- Logon hours: this can be used to control logon timing of user.

29. Home folder: - this is a network drive which is auto connected to any computer that user logon To. This folder is stored in server
                Step1: create a folder in server.
                Step2: Share this folder and give share permission on and full control.
Step3: Select security > click on edit > Click on Add domain users > give control allow.
Step4: Active directory user and computers.
Step5: Open properties of user accounts.
Step6; Select profile > Connect \\IPAddress or computer name\sharename\%username%

30. Group Policy: - In a domain network we can apply group policy to all client computers from central location (Server).
                Step1: Open active directory users and computers.
                Step2: right click on domain name > new > organizational unit.
                Step3: Give a name > ok.
                Step4: Add users to this folder.
                Step5: Start > Administrator tools > group policy management.
                Step6: Open network name.
                Step7: Open domain folder > open domain name.
Step8: Select organizational folder right click and select create a GPO in this domain.
Step9: Give a name.
Step10: Right click and select edit.

31. Rooming profile: -
1: Create a folder in a server with any name.
2: Share this folder and give share permissions full control.
3: In security tab add domain users and give full control allow.
4: Open active directory users and computers > Open properties of required user account.
5: Select profile tab.
6: In profile path give location of folder. \\ipaddress\foldername\%useername%.

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